
It's just a little nod to one of the most seminal comic books of all time, which also happens to star Batman.
I can't imagine that short conversation being "every reason" someone doesn't like the movie. There are plenty of better reasons to dislike The Dark Knight Rises. (although, I enjoyed it despite having

It's an homage to The Dark Knight Returns where a nearly identical exchange happens during a very similar sequence.

I love it when Artie Lange yells that during the Press Conference scene

"So Alfred’s a bad ass? So much so that he can lock an arm-bar on an agent?"
Yes, he is former military and even served as a British spy in some versions. He's also an accomplished theatre actor.

This show barely relates to the David Fincher movie, so don't go into it expecting a spin-off.

I read that this is a TV Show primarily watched by conservatives. Why do you think that is?

I like this show. The Next Generation is my personal favorite Generation of Star Trek.

What's better the show or the comics post-issue 100? I'd actually wager on the show, but what say you AV Club? Anyone still reading the books? Anyone still LIKING the books?

It's pronounced Coven, man

It's how i saw all the summer blockbusters. Can't tell you enough how nice it was to actually be able to hear dialogue instead of excited fanboy chattering and squeeling.

In my experience teenagers come in large numbers and are overtly rude and loud, sometimes they will purposely and intentially do this to ruin the movie. Many times they aren't really interested in what they are seeing at all and are just there to socialize. They will not give a fuck about anyone around them and will

If you really need some kind of serious justification for the name "The Flash", is it really that hard to come up with one quickly and move on? "I don't know what happened, it was like this red flash out of the corner of my eye, did you see it?"

You are right, I definitely do not get the joke. It would be cool if the characters just called him the Flash, and I didnt find it cute when Barry was about to suggest it and another character cut him off, it reminded me of the scene in Man of Steel.

I liked Bane cat

I know, which makes it even weirder that after a full day of working homicide he's still fresh faced, clothes pressed, and eager to play trivia and drink loads of coffee with a bunch of kids. But I guess that's just "the cw" of it all. Anyway the scene was terrible on every level

The scene was written as if they were in a pub playing Team Trivia, but it was made awkward when all the drinks were substituted with Coffee cups. It's was like a tween approximation, and it stuck out and was bad. Also, it was dumb when Felicity Smoke acts embarrassed for overdressing yet she is sitting at a table

Acting in this episode was atrocious. I am beginning to lose interest in this series, and am hanging in for the super hero scenes as they are fairly well done and the best part. The trivia night scene in this episode was like something out of Degrassi. The best was when the homicide detective, who apparently hangs

Will you go to lunch?!

I think I would have really liked this shit 12 years ago

I don't know, but he's brilliant on Sherlock. I really like him, and as a fan of Doctor Strange I am very excited by this casting.