
by 2024 every actor in the world will be employed by Marvel

Nightmare 2 is practically a comedy (an awesome one), so if you are trying to be legitimately creeped out or scared I wouldn't pick it.

The first 4 are definitely the best. I have a lot of love for the others though too, part 6 is great for how far it goes into camp and self parody.

Was unfamiliar with it, but after reading only the first paragraph on wiki, I am going to watch it asap. Sounds up my alley. After this article, "The Car" and "Neon Maniacs" are also on my must watch before Halloween list. — Thanks for the rec!

More like a Halloween wannabe, the filmmakers admit to just basically copying Halloween. I doubt they even saw Twitch of the Death Nerve.

I think Freddy's rap career only makes things better, but I dunno

I think Nightmare is superior to Valentine, at any rate I wouldn't right it off as a shitty movie. ToS just did a week on it, and I think it's a classic

Friday the 13th is fun. It's final scare is one of the best around too. I like really like the movie, even if part 2 is the stronger entry.

Black Christmas is one of my favorites, but I have to save it for Christmas time.

Gravity could maybe be adapted well for this. I don't really understand how this works though, are you just watching a movie through a headset?

Mark Hamill, Kevin Conroy, Grant Morrison, Neil Adams, Frank Miller, Stan Lee, Alex Ross, Rob Schrab, Bill Willingham, The Rock, Mick Foley, Virgil, Jack Nicholson, Dave Matthews - off the top of my head. My brother has a signed Michael Jordon Chicago Bulls Jersey

This time around I unlocked the Punisher simply to sell it for cash. I got the Red9 and stock as soon as I could and focused on upgrading it. As soon as I could I got the Riot Gun and upgraded it, while keeping in the back of my mind the Striker. When I got the Striker I sold back the Riot Gun and focused on

My memories of Turok were that it felt awesome to be running around this environment shotgunning raptors and shooting arrows at the human enemies (at the time I was super impressed with the bloody death animations). The game was very difficult though, and I remember the difficulty having a lot to do with the

Totally. I'm just saying that I think survival elements play a part in Resident Evil 4. The "horror" mostly comes with the tone and the theme, but Survival and Action are both elements to that game. Turok, although I haven't played it since the N64 days, was striving to be a new kind of FPS, an attempt at breaking

I didn't even make it far enough to get to any backtracking parts, basically as soon as other human characters started searching for me I couldn't progress. I don't even think I made it to the actual Alien.

Yes, fully upgraded Red9 is absolutely what I focused on from the start. But I knew that because I played the game before, otherwise I probably would have used the Punisher, not knowing it sucks, since I had to shoot tokens to unlock it.

Excellent comment, you really seem to know what makes a good horror game. I just want to quibble with one point I hear again and again, that Resident Evil 4 isn't survival horror. I disagree on this. I think it's action based, definitely. But survival and managing to survive is a huge part of the game. I just

True. My problem was that I played until I reached a room crawling with people that have itchy trigger fingers and I played for hours unable to sneak past them. Then I thought, "maybe I'm not supposed to go this way" so I backtracked and looked around the previous area for another hour or so. Then I went back to

I couldn't even get past the opening sequence, eventually I realized that my game glitched and a door that was supposed to open for me never did, causing me to sneak around Chainsaw Man forever. I ended up watching some YouTube videos of a guy playing and that was enough for me. I went back and replayed Resident

Thought it was a Shirley Jackson short story.