
Lol that does sounds pretty funny. I figured it made sense in the context -

I should probably see it in the context of the cartoon show. Also, before I heard "Push" I assumed her name was pronounced Lordy, so this helped clarify.

Weird Al songs are parodies, this sounds like an original tune that sort of resembles the sound of another artist. I am not overly familiar with the Lorde catalogue, is "Push" a specific parody of an existing song performed by Lorde? I'd like to hear the original version.

Alright so I listened to the song. What's the joke here? I am feeling left out

This review seems to give away the whole movie.

I thought this movie was pretty good. It's not brilliant, the less you think about it the better it is. But it's well acted and directed. The director has made worse films, but he's made a lot better films too. I'll give it a 'B' or a 7.5 out of 10.

A good friend of mine did too. I don't get it though, this one was markedly worse for me. From laugh out loud dialogue like "You all think you are so smart!" (seriously, that was embarrassing to watch) to a villain who didn't make much sense to me (he can literally create dozens of copies of any object - guns,

Got this game, very excited, played in earnest for a couple hours, got stuck in the same room forever, realized it was a hiding in lockers and avoiding people game. went out and got Evil Within, played in earnest for 10 min, realized it was the same damn shit (including lockers), got stuck on very first level, got

Fuck a duck.

I loved the first episode but I thought this one was a big step down in quality. The dialogue was pretty bad this time around and the villain kind of lame, the Iris scenes are still weak, but I'm optimistic that it's just the second episode slump and it will smooth out. The parts that worked best for me were the

Maybe he should open an Osama Bin Laden "haunted house" attraction in Manhattan? Seems as dumbass and tasteless as this bullshit

I think that might be the only place I've seen him in the New52 as well. But I'm pretty sure he has shown up in a couple places. Personally, I'd like to see a writer make more of Clayface's persona and create a stronger portrayal of him beyond B-Level Batman villain. He's a fallen movie star and that seems like a

I love Batwoman. Didn't realize the team shown in the Futures End issue was going to actually be a thing, but I'm excited to read about them. Clayface working on the side of the angels? Should be interesting.

I'll echo the support for 3D Dot Game Heroes, that game was a lot of fun. There are a number of secrets that should be found to help complete the game. My tip is upgrade a lot and make sure you are fully upgraded with the best defence and sword before entering the final level. Don't worry, if you can beat the

My thought was Smallville and Arrow/Flash exist on two separate Earth's or Realities that would be able to crossover due to the Flash. This could play into the Crisis storyline where multiple live-action versions of DC Characters start to meet each other.

I was pretty surprised the one guy got as far as he did. I have to imagine all the progress was made during the incline before the first drop, but regardless I doubt I would have made it very far at all.

I hesitate to consider the identity of this character a spoiler. Is it a spoiler to know that Eddie Nygma will become the Riddler some day on Gotham? But I accept that the Flash mythos isn't nearly as well known, so spoilers I guess depending on what website I am commenting on.

The Italian kid is a dirty rat and should be ashamed of plotting to snag his buddies girlfriend. Rude.

i can see them eventually doing a Smallville crossover and Tom Welling guest starring

With the ending of the pilot I wouldn't be surprised if there was a "Flash of Two Worlds" episode down the line where CW Flash ends up meeting the early 90s Flash