
Reverse Flash, they will probably end up calling him by his other name "Zoom". There is a good chance you met the person who will become Reverse Flash in the pilot

I gave it the same exact grade. I really liked this show quite a bit. I geeked out hard seeing the Flash run around the tornado, that moment was well done. The Crisis tease was on Nick Fury at the end of Iron Man level for me in terms of imagining the possibility of where they might be willing to go depending on fan

This news is too good to be true, I'm shvitzing

Gaius was always my favorite character. My friend and I would play Song of Ice and Fire fantasy casting (this was obviously years before the show) and Gaius was our pick for Littlefinger

I am really hoping for more Twin Peaks

Personally, I only visit a grand total of maybe 4 or 5 different websites. AV Club is one of them, so I don't mind them exposing me to content I may find interesting but would otherwise never see.

I remembered that too! So the whole movie I'm waiting for it to happen, but after his store blows up he just gets in his car and drives away as the credits roll and the whole town stands around idly going "well, shit…"

Just rewatched Needful Things for the first time in about 21 years. Spoilers! - Not as good as I remembered it and I was very disappointed that the bad guy didn't transform into a monster at the end, and instead just kinda got up and drove away.

This movie is campy fun that always knew exactly what it was. Alan Rickman steals the show and chews the scenery and is a delight to watch do so. I enjoy throwing this movie on every once in a while.

No Holds Barred! It truly is so bad it's good. But if I met him it would be hard to resist telling him that "Russell is no ones friend. If Russell was an ice cream flavor… he'd be pralines… and dick"

Am I "elevating the victim"? I just said I don't like her work.

Not a fan of "Girls" but am pretty disgusted at all the vitriol this woman gets.

I don't think that advice has anything to do with the way Uncle Ben died.

I actually watched it and no it's not. It's worse.

I think Bruce Wayne is the character that pulls people in. Smallville ran for 9 seasons based on Clark Kent not yet being Superman, and meanwhile Arrow is going strong based on characters no one outside of Comic Book fans are aware of.

The first half of Batman Begins were full of flashbacks. Some regarding Bruce's life in Gotham post-parents death, some regarding his life being trained by the League of Shadows, and a few brief scenes in between when he gets arrested and thrown in a prison.
The show I am talking about would follow Bruce around the

Maybe for the better. But better yet, a "kung fu"esque show about a globe trotting young Bruce Wayne on the path to becoming batman might have been the way to go for this.

I am glad Oliver is doing the reviews for these. I have no interest in watching this poorly conceived, pandering piece of fuckery, but will have fun reading Oliver's reviews of it.

Reviewers snarky Tusk headline is little more than the av club equivalent of click bait

Talk about a movie that stays with you, really cool but unsettling, I like it. Would love to see it in a theater