
I can't get enough of this show. Brilliant

See! That wasn't so hard…
(Although I did have to google what a "play-by-mail RPG" is)

I got a Twin Peaks notification for this? No Cherry Pie?!
ok, fine… I don't actually get notifications…

I read this whole review and didn't understand a single thing about it. What the heck is supposed to be going on in this book?

I love Black Christmas so much

A corporation commissioned a 9/11 mural that may or may not be lousy and was created by a guy who may or may not be Banksy. The majority of New Yorkers likely either don't mind the mural or couldn't care less. Move along. Exit Through the Gift Shop was an entertaining documentary in my opinion. I watched it more

I can't believe this video is real and not a parody. This is absolutely ridiculous, when he actually brought out blown up photos of SNL cast members I laughed out loud.

"I am dead inside, two happy good looking young people falling "in love" makes me feel nothing but contempt"

What a dork! Lol

Rick wakes up in a hospital bed aboard an Alien Spacecraft, the entire series was a dream he had when he was abducted.

Saw it with my family over Christmas and we all enjoyed it. There's a story to be told and possibly even lessons to be learned. Why on earth enjoy a movie full of asshole gangsters, or asshole politicians, or asshole stoners or drug dealers? Wolf of Wall Street, while not perfect, deserves a bit more credit than

Yeah that movie jumped to mind for me too

The weekly tragedy that was "Countdown…" is fascinating to me. Such a massive train wreck, I would love an in depth behind the scenes look at what went wrong with all that. Paul Dini was head writer for Rao's sake. I am sure the answer is Dan Didio but still, such a huge failure on every level after the pretty

so what do you all think, talking heads in some future "I love the 2010's" special making jokes about the ubiquity of hashtags as a period signifier of this era? I just get the feeling we might look back at them as being "of the time" as the AOL CD's everyone used to get in the mail, or something to that effect at

Babadooooook! It's just so fun to say.

Good ol fashioned Parasite Eve, an often overlooked gem. I wonder if John Carpenter has ever played it, I think he'd like it

He's been a pretty active character in DC comics since at least around 2002

I totally agree with this but I have a feeling they are gonna go in the New52 Shazam direction, which is… Not good

He's one of my all time favorite wrestling performers but his heel role against Goldberg (possibly my least liked wrestler of all time) is best forgotten

I agree, which is why Geoff Johns' Shazam for the New52, a terrible cynic take on the concept, will most likely be used as the basis for the film.