
I have been asking for this casting for YEARS! I think Rock would make a great Black Adam. I'm sure the tone of the movie will be horribly bleak and cynical and Captain Marvel will probably use his powers to buy beer illegally or something, but The Rock as Black Adam is an awesome choice

in the name of love.

It's really terrible, practically a parody of itself and transparent oscar-bait treacle. The "everything is connected" car accident scene had me laughing out loud, just the worst.

I had definitely had the Zelda game and I'm pretty sure I had the Street Fighter II game as well, or maybe just played it once.
Actually kind of surprised Nintendo doesn't take advantage of the current tabletop game culture and create some Zelda themed games, or some kind of Sim City Settlers of Catan.

I never would have got it either if you hadn't asked

I have several Nirvana albums currently on my iTunes rotation and I greatly enjoy listening to them as do millions and millions of other people. What does influential and important mean? Well they influenced the direction and sound of Rock music forever after, so I guess that's what it means and it's just scratching

eternal darkness was so good, I don't think I'll ever get over that one. Probably because there really isn't many other games like it. And if there is, please tell me I would love to check it out!

Gosh I remember that hand. I still never really got the joke, like I thought it was some error or screwup that only a hand came out and they just went with it anyway. Man thems were some crazy times

I guess the point is pop music ain't always stoopid, insert whatever other Beatles lyrics you prefer

I consider a lot of Beatles music Pop Songs. So how about "Yesterday".

I dunno, I think 99 Red Balloons is both a good catchy pop song and a legitimately great anti-war song

I've been playing a lot of Magic 2015 on my friends xbox360.

Over the course of my life I have somehow managed to play countless games of Monopoly while maintaining an authentic love for the game and never experiencing a round that ends in real anger or arguments.
I can't possibly be the only one, but a single look at the comments for any article on the Internet that mentions

My ex unabashedly loved this franchise, so I know there are big fans out there

Oh believe me, I am fully aware that the majority of people here view BB as completely unassailable. Even saying it's a great show, but falls just short of the Sopranos, is considered heresy.

Overall it's definitely a stronger show than Breaking Bad. Not that Breaking Bad isn't good, its absolutely one of the best shows of the past few years. But Sopranos is one of the best Television dramas of all time and surpasses BB in almost every category.

He became Jewish for the jokes.

I kept reading these comments expecting snark about Shawshank, as it's a movie that gets snark and backlash a lot from cinephiles. But I really like the movie and am genuinely glad other sincere folks here do as well.

I love that scene! My friends and I quote it all the time "a fucking Felt Pen! a goddamn Magic Marker!" its great

Even knowing exactly what to do, I was never able to pull this trick off. (don't think I've attempted it in years though)