
If you don't get the upgraded Blaster in Flame Elephant's level then you automatically receive it from Zero at the beginning of Sigma's Castle? I had no idea about this. This game seems to have a lot of little quirks to it that I never realized. Such a great game

I saw Clerks in, I think '95. It seems lame now, but at the time the film felt so vital and "important" to me because I was not used to seeing characters goof off and talk about sex and star wars so much in a movie. That's all old-hat now, but maybe Clerks helped pave the way? I dunno, I still appreciate it even

I had a similar experience during Kill Bill vol. 1 — it felt like the entire packed audience was all totally absorbed in the film (the gun shot in the opening moments of the movie really got peoples attention quick too). After the movie I remember people around me calling their friends or family from cell phones to

I rented and watched Blank Check waaaay more times than anyone should ever admit (yes, more than one time)

YES! Please continue the coverage - This is an absolutely brilliant series that's absolutely worth further discussion. So excited Oliver is doing this! Really looking forward to episodes like City of Stone. Such a great series, I think around 6 or 7 years back the series continued as a comic book (I remember a

I'm frankly surprised more fans didn't put their money where their mouths are in regards to that Michael Bay claim. I am with you, I did not see either Transformers of Turtles this summer for similar reasons and I refuse to support movies I know I will dislike.

That would be a perfect "the lighter side of…" For mad magazine

Check out the new Blu-Ray box set that contains the Missing Pieces, disc 10 has a bunch of new special features including a Palmer Family round table with David Lynch. very cool

I'm really reconsidering seeing this now

Frank Miller thinks salads are for liberal pussys who forgot how to "be a man" (ie, act like a macho sexist asshole) 60 years ago.

His opinion on depression comes from a place of ignorance and is only damaging to people who truly suffer from it, especially as Rollins is a person that many look up to.

Telling victims of depression to just grab life by the balls, get over it, and stop being a selfish mope, doesn't help at all. These people do not understand depression and really should keep the comments to themselves.

I applauded after the Howard the Duck tag as a petty, pointless, and useless way of spiting the group of teens behind me, who were the only other people there and audibly confused as hell.

My mom liked the movie too.

Definitely not the Lion King. It's really good and I'm glad my 11 year old self got to experience it first

Another example I thought of was Last Of Us. a game beloved by gamers, and although it might have a great story, I wouldn't know because I grew bored of the repetitive violence and shooting after about an hour in.
I've noticed a trend of "hardcore gamers" not liking Heavy Rain or Beyond Two Souls, I think its a

Yeah, I think the spoilers and the hype definitely weaken the experience. My friends and I were all playing FF7 when it first came out and we all shared a very similar experience upon reaching this moment in the game.
Before this, I can't remember having such an emotional investment in the storyline and characters

I absolutely cried at Aeris's death. I was 14 and i hadn't really experienced that with a game before. I had played and been obsessed with FF3 (I know it's 6) which is why I bought FF7. FF3 was brilliant and arguably holds up better than it's follow-up, but FF7 is the game that evoked real tears in me,

Romeo and Juliet is about two teenagers who think they are so hopelessly in love that they commit suicide over it after being together for about a week.

I totally saw North in the theater. All I remember is Elaine and George were both in it, and that made this young Seinfeld fan geek out. Also there was a character who had a bunch of Arcade Cabinets in his room / office and I envied that life style.