
The twist is that it turns out plot is irrelevant and gameplay is king. If that is true Bioshock Infinite is the most boring and repetitive game I've ever played. Good thing it has an incredibly interesting narrative to justify all that shooting.

I am really into the woodsy mystico parts and the magic entities, so this episode worked really well for me.

I think it would be a fun way to bring back Moriarty. Via some time travel or sci-fi weirdness. (Yes I've watched all of season 3)

I loved this version of the game. Lisa Trevor was scary.

I have such strong feels about what it was like to live back when I posted the above comment. 39 minutes ago was such a simpler time, it felt like anything was possible. I'm currently writing a list "33 Things that only AV Club Commentators from Earlier Today will Understand". It's just a bunch of random pictures

His punchable face is put to great use in Crystal Fairy and the Magical Cactus. A very odd movie that I am a big fan of.

Millennial's are already nostalgic about whatever happened to them last week. They make buzzfeed lists about those halcyon days of this past Monday and Tuesday.

Some have Markymarks

So… wasn't this stuff pretty well established by fans years ago? Maybe I'm just a big Tarantino fan, but how is any of this new information?

I love this show. Even during the parts that people usually don't like, even fire walk with me, I kinda love the whole thing and enjoy putting it on and letting it wash over me.

I maintain that Forever is definitely a worse movie than Batman and Robin.

Ok I'll remember that. Maybe if we are really good they might make a Wonder Woman film. Anytime I'm about to bash DC for their ineptness at anything beyond Batman I'll remember to think twice because maybe a Wonder Woman movie will get made someday.

yeah Mark Hamill did a fantastic job of that with his Joker.

Batman Forever is the worst in the series. Batman and Robin doubled down on the camp and blew up a dinosaur in the beginning. It's a zany romp. Batman Forever can't decide what it wants to be and is just bad every step of the way. I appreciate the defense of Jim Carrey as trying to go for a Frank Gorshan homage,

I want to watch this.

Those Nintendo comics were amazing. I had the tpb's of he Mario World and Link to the Past ones. Read them many times over. They definitely need to see a reprint as they are impossible to find now (and I've lost my original copies)

This is an awesome article. I cannot wait for the new Batgirl

Wowsers the weinies thing is just too much for me, I was laughing cause I thought O'neil was just being funny, but then I watched the video and what the fuck I can't believe that's real

I tapped out of season 2. Only so much hopelessness a player can take before it's just not an enjoyable experience. Try playing Fables Wolf Among Us, same idea but better balance and execution. Far more fun IMO.

Bray Wyatt is pretty much my favorite right now, but I agree that he really needs a couple big wins to cement himself as a threat. As of now he's just this extremely awesome jobber.