
Saw Lucy and Hercules, they were both about the same level of disposable mindless summer enjoyment. That is to say, fun and forgettable.

It would be sweet if the island turned out to be "The Centre" a sentient island of giant monsters hiding in mystery for millions of years.

Big fan of the light garbage. But agree 100% that the movie was not the same one being sold in the trailers. What a massive disapointment it was

I'm actually the same way. Nothing beat the original, but I actually do enjoy the overly long but still pretty fun remake. The 70s version though is another story.

The good - I've seriously always thought a Skull Island spin off had potential. lots of untold story about that mysterious island.

Yeah, to hell with anyone else's interest or passions! I don't like comic books, they are a waste of time, I am certain of that because I read a Wikipedia summary about Hank Pym. Now let me go troll about it on a pop culture websites comic book related news.
Awesome man, hope you're having fun

wolf among us was amazing, it was fun and a terrific adaptation of a comic book series. Walking dead season 2 was an exercise in how much relentless hopelessness a player can withstand before they quit the game or kill themselves.

That was almost another "52" reference lol

I don't think DC has figured out that comic book movies can be a little fun

"though you're right, it IS pretty miraculous that we got Rorschach's origin story intact with only minor changes." — See my other comment, but for me the changes to Rorschachs origin speak volumes about the directors real interests.

The scene where Snyder replaced the haunting introspection of Rorschach watching the Child-Killers house burn with a cheap looking meat cleaver to the head gore effect really says it all.

Regarding Watchmen, I don't think the movie captured any of that. I can allow myself to enjoy the extended cut for what it is, but as an adaptation it's mostly a big failure.

I thought Peter Weller absolutely killed as DKR Batman. "You're nothing but a hollow shell" His delivery, for me, brought the writing to life more-so than when I initially read the comic.

"hey that guys chin sort of looked like that rich guy I saw on TV, hard to tell though since it's the middle of the night and I only saw him when he leapt out of the shadows wearing a dark costume while punching me in the face"

and I hope it improvs over time. ba dum tsh

I think your being overly optimistic, but maybe it will be the awesome noir-ish police drama crime thriller you want it to be, and not some pandering piece of junk like it appears to be.

and also Gwen Stacy, Alex DeWitt, Moira MacTaggart, Karen Page, Vesper Fairchild, Mariko Yashida, Sue Dibny, Lori Lemaris, Peggy Carter etc. lots of fridges out there

Civil War and Secret Invasion were terrible. Seriously go back and read those if you don't believe me, they are so self-consciously trying to be "relevant to the headlines of the day" and it ends up just condescending and ludicrously self serious. Civil War particularly.

I was pretty excited for it too. The "who killed the Watcher" hook seemed pretty cool. it's not an awful event though

Not to mention Jason Todd / Bucky Barns coming back to life around the same time and becoming a murderous shadow of their former selves