
I was about to say it would actually make for a fun movie idea. but then Benjamin Button is unfortunately something that exists, and now I have to rethink that opinion.

They did a Futurama crossover in the comics that seemed to take a sort of "crisis" approach, but maybe not because I didn't actually read it.

"At some point, most likely when we’re young, we all feel directly plugged into pop culture in ways other, older people can’t possibly understand. Down the line, we become Homer, our babbling about the wild, shirtless lyrics of Grand Funk Railroad falling on hostilely deaf ears. We couldn’t listen to the Abes of the

Was there even such thing as an "r rated movie" when this show was produced?

Say what you want about cracked but they give a pretty decent explanation for the knuckleheads who gave money to this thing.…

This is not a series about the Shirley Jackson short story I take it.

I've been listening to a bunch of Prince lately, so maybe Darling Nikki or something from Purple Rain

Hey check it out - the first funny Hate Song interview!

"just characters staring at disbelief at something off-camera."

I agree the new ASM movies are better than Raimi fans give credit, I really enjoyed them. I really like SM1 and 2 as well I think there's room for two versions of Spidey just like we have different versions of Batman on screen.
I happen to like Drag Me to Hell, but I like horror comedy in that style.

Yeah definitely weird reading this news when barely a couple months ago it was being reported they had all these sequels and spin offs mapped out with some clearly set up in ASM2

that's actually a good point, basically if you want to know what is current have kids 8 - early 20's

or arrested…

Yeah, if I wasn't a total shut-in I might hear more stuff. lol -

yeah, again I see the names of things and assume they are some popular music act. Wasn't there something called Goatsy for a while? is that still popular?

I've never heard of it either. It's not intentional. I'm actually curious how people stay aware of all the new stuff, seems like you have to really actively seek it out.

I know nothing about current mainstream or even indy pop artists. I often hear the names of things or people that I assume are bands but I don't know. I would have to really think hard to name a relevant music act that debuted in the last four or five years (maybe longer). How do people even discover new stuff,

I never even thought about how people might have seen the Simpsons spoof before seeing this. Was the spoof still as funny if you didn't get what it was from?

Can't they donate the money without killing a few animals in the process? I've donated to soup kitchens before, I didn't stipulate that I had to kill one or two homeless people in return though.

Butthurt, aw yes the slang of the 14 year old internet troll. Stay classy