
Everyone keeps talking about Cards Against Humanity, I can look it up to find out what it is but how did it get so popular? How do people know about it

Do people still randomly think that Catfish was a "fake" documentary?

Despite all his foibles, I will be very sad the day Stan Lee passes.

They've been casting this directly across the hall from my office all week.

All I know is that Macklemore put out a song about marriage equality that I really like and I think more rappers can and should "tap into" that. Also stop saying faggot, it ruins otherwise good songs Jay-Z.
(I don't think I've ever heard a single Drake song, so maybe this guy is socially conscience too… I have

Finally watched this based on this article - and yeah this thing was spooky, but also very informative and interesting. Gave me all sorts of ideas for Donner Party based horror movies lol — I definitely recommend watching this documentary.

A buddy of mine told me that he knows how to "unlock" a Wii so that it plays all of the LucasArts adventure games (compatible with a Wii-Mote, which sounds like an awesome way to play). He hasn't learned how to do it with a WiiU yet, but I would love that.

I'd love to know if the reviewer is a fan of the comics series because I would like a fans perspective on this game.

Hipsters wear athletic tape now? I am so out of touch.

I want a rerelease of these games for the WiiU. That would be good.

I thought it was actually the Unknown Comic when I saw this picture out of context earlier today.

Yes and it was my FAVORITE MOMENT FROM THE ENTIRE SERIES. Some of the hardest I have ever laughed at a TV Show.

Are they going to go after Charles Dickens next for portraying Ebeneezer Scrooge, that paragon and icon of big business, as an unlikable old miser?

According to the whole things a hoax anyway.

I thought it might turn out to be a post-death plan that Moriarty had arranged in the event of his demise. Still, I really hope its actually the real Moriarty back because he is awesome and so exciting to watch.

I actually had the same exact thought

Finally caught up and definitely liked this better than the reviewer. A big fan of the final reveal at the end with Moriarty, which was cat nip for me as that character and his relationship to Sherlock is my favorite part of the series.
Magnussan was an evil villain but his weird licking people and peeing on things

How come there is a female Cloud?

I stopped buying The Walking Dead after around issue 104 or so. I hated issue 100 but decided to stick it out a little longer for the sake of the past 99 issues that I more or less greatly enjoyed. I don't buy the book anymore but I do skim each new issue in the store to try and keep track of the story and see if

The backlash to 2008's Secret Invasion is really interesting to me. At the time the comics world was obsessed with it, and everyone was buzzing about it being the most compelling super-hero storyline in ages. One lackluster ending, and six years later, suddenly it's remembered as being painful and terrible.