
ugh I am such a pothead! this article made me want to smoke… but alas I am still at work lol

You are right and I wasn't that knowledgeable about the issue before I posted, so my mistake. I haven't actually listened to the Joe Rogan rant (still haven't), and should have first. It was early in the morning when I posted and I usually don't like to hear ignorant hate speech first thing in the AM, so I avoided

Wow joe rogan is an asshole! Anyway, bravo to this brave young woman

To use Super Hero parlance, consider it an "Elseworlds" tale.

It's annoying to you thus should not happen. Gotcha. — Look, I am not in the audience for this Sherlock fan fiction, but it's to me it's more annoying to shit on it unnecessarily than to just shrug it off as an inconsequential thing that you will forget about by the end of the day.

Nerds hate singing and dancing? Then how do you explain me? Or Oliver Sava for that matter?

Lots of weird negativity in this thread about stuff that isn't a big deal in any way

What's wrong with it?

They should have had him play the same character and have it be a crossover.

Budweiser frogs anyone?

A comedian who likes Terminator 3 better than the first two

Working on a playthrough of Ocarina of Time. Just got Epona and am heading to the Forest Temple! Great game.

I plan to live a long and unhealthy life, and I don't want to listen anymore about Israel and Palestine because the storyline has been treading water for like 70 seasons now.

Why can't Israel and Palestine just settle down and stop fighting? This conflict is getting a bit old at this point and everyone is sick of hearing about it.

I'm all for anything "Seinfeld" related, but I thought the perfect reunion was done during the Curb season.

I'm gonna smoke a Super Bowl when I get home tonight.

Saw this movie and was surprised at how good it is.

This guy sounds cool and I hope Sharkcano gets adapted into a big-budget mainstream release directed by Michael Bay.

No but last night I had a dream that I came to work in the clothes I slept in, and tried to sneak out and back home before my boss saw because I was embarrassed and hadn't even showered.

I thought the same thing. When Mega Man was announced I said to myself, awesome now all we need is Simon Belmont!