
I know!! When I was a kid, that was as far as I was ever able to get. I think I remembered seeing an older sibling or friend reach Wiley once (cause somehow I was well aware of the Green Alien thing) but I have painful memories of being trapped in that boss room without any Crash weapon power left.
Two other places

Ron Fucking Swanson

I think it was good primarily because his performance sold everything the movie was trying to do.

That's actually pretty interesting, and I am sure it's an intentional easter egg (dino egg?)

I knew I would spell it wrong, and someone would correct me. I'm glad that someone was you Ricky.

Two weekends ago I played all the way through Mega Man 2 again for my girlfriend who wanted to see the whole game. Man, that game gets really tough in Dr. Wiley's castle!

Dotson! Weve got Dotson here!

couldn't agree more

Just wondering if you saw the movie when it first came out, because it really spoke to a generation. The first time I saw it, back in the early-mid 90's it felt revolutionary, people like me and others I knew represented up there on the screen - not stoners, but young adults who obsessed over Star Wars, pop culture,

I don't listen to a lot of new music, but this song got me misty eyed. I hope more rappers take a cue from this guy.

Would have been cool to be there during the Dent Fundraiser Party scene in Dark Knight, getting to see Heath Ledger work during that shoot would have been really interesting. Michael Caine apparently was so startled that he forgot to say his line.

I was "anti-skrillex" until i played Skrillex Quest which I absolutely loved and played multiple times (it helps that i am a major Zelda fan, so the game and it's retro-gaming references helped with the appeal). The game was effective as I ended up buying two Skrillex songs later and at least have a better

Not a week goes by where there isn't a news story about the dumbass behavior of either Chris Brown, Shai Laboof, or Justin Bieber. I think a crossover news story should go into development where all three team up to steal a Submarine and turn humans in to dehydrated piles of colored dust.

Stop giving tragic backstorys to all of Childhood's favorite villains! No one needs to see the Wicked Witch of the West as a kindly soul turned foul, or the origin of why Maleficent is a evil sorceress, they are far better and far scarier that way.
A movie about maleficent being evil, could be fun. a movie about

So basically "the world is too racist for a black Superman". I think that kinda sucks, and turn to SuperHero stories for a more optimistic outlook. I would appreciate reading a comic about a black Superman (and, yes, there have been analogues, ie Icon)

Just curious if you feel the same way about Spider-Man or other famous mainstream super-heroes.
I understand that making Superman black could be jarring (imo, way less jarring than putting him in a green costume), but as long as he is still Kryptonian, rocketed to earth by doomed parents and raised by a kindly

It's true - but I still maintain that it won't harm the character to make him black rather than white.

Superman can be black. There is nothing that damages the character by having him portrayed as black. In fact, it's already a part of the DC Multiverse that there exists a black version of Superman

As a huge fan of the books I felt Daniel Craig was completely wrong for the role, based on the way he looks and the way he acted during the movie. That said, I thought it was a great movie and still enjoy Craig as Bond. Personally, when I read the books I visualize someone more along the lines of Michael Fassbender.

I've been on a huge Fantastic Four kick lately. Recently read the first 60+ issues of Stan and Jack's original run and am moving on throughout the decades. Loving it! Also, I revisited the directors cut of the 2005 movie and found it surprisingly enjoyable. (Rise of the Silver Surfer movie was god awful though)