
I was born in the early 80's and grew up loving this movie. I am shocked it only got a B-, it's one of my favorite comedies.

When I was a kid I owned the Simpsons Sing the Blues album and loved it, although it's probably telling that "Bartman" was the only track I would keep coming back to. Loved that song!

I actually think the original SNES graphics look better than the remake's

Jennifer Lawrence just got upset by someone ruining a TV Show without a Spoiler warning. She is my new favorite actress.

Saw in theatres when it came out and had somewhat mixed feelings. Lately I have been noticing this film brought up from time to time, started thinking about it, and decided to revisit it last night. A better film than I remembered, I think it has aged well.

I want them to bring in the singer of a band whose song was featured and give them a chance at a HateSong.

This sounds like a really cool game that I will happily wait to play.

This was hysterical! I lost it when the sick bay bed fell over. Did the Computer Chess guys do it? Brilliant

From this review I got that the movie is good, but the reviewer just doesn't like the "found-footage" style, so that automatically lowered the score.

That's a shame, I was digging the series. — Also, yeah I have since gone back to rewatch the show and was tickled to pick up on all those hints throughout the series, it's amazing how far in advance that was planned.

I was happy for you! I will get there one day… whenever I have anything worthwhile to contribute :-)

Love that Goliath! I really miss that show, they tried to follow it up in Comic Book form but I guess sales weren't good enough to keep. oh well - I'll never forget the Puck reveal towards the end of the series, now THERE is something that I am eternally grateful wasn't spoiled for me before I saw it.

This weekend my girlfriend is coming over. She is really interested in classic video games having cursory knowledge of Mario and Zelda but never actually playing through an entire game. So she is having me beat games for her because she likes to watch (I swear to God). — Two weeks ago she had me beat the entirety of

But you will never know what it was like to see it without the spoiler, it's like watching two completely different movies. The cool tho about he Prestige is that it's like a magic trick on the audience (the Christian Bale element). It's a movie very much worth watching twice

If you don't understand "spoilers" then you apparently have never appreciated the joy of discovery, mystery, and surprise. From now on, any book you read I ask you to read the last chapter first, and any movie you see skip to the last scene before you start it.

Review I read on another site today said Branagh was awful in this movie.

Obvious Troll is getting fed

A shame he didn't have more to say about The Wizard… oh well.

In the immortal words of Duke Nukem, "I don't have time to play with myself"