
They are tasty though

It looks like The Dissolve. How come so many websites are opting for the same look now?

Finally catching up with this season. It's been great! Although the Theon torture scenes are abominable and I just fast-forward past them because they serve no purpose to the story and are nearly impossible for me to sit through. Practically a show breaking element of the season for me.
Aside from that, all good

Yes! This means we might finally get Blofeld back on the big screen.

Yeah I always thought that would be a great way to see it. Actually, my mother had absolutely no clue what it was either and she told me she was taken completely off guard.
I had a similar experience with From Dusk till Dawn. Completely not anticipating the shift that happens, my brother and I both look at each

Oh totally. I noticed it there too. I actually started a reread of all the batman trades from knightfall on. It's been interesting and fun

If I remember correctly, there was a panel of Scarecrow climbing into someone's window and shooting them. That freighting idea of that really made an impact on my 6 year old self

I was just reading Bruce Wayne:Murderer and I forgot how that storyline really established the characters (and "feel") of Gotham Central. Some great stuff in there.

That Scarecrow origin story actually scared the pants off me when I was 6. One of the first comics I can remember reading.

This book is SO good. Very glad that I have been reading since issue 1, probably the funniest book on the stands right now - I hope it keeps on going. Reminds me a bit of Simone's Secret Six, but even funnier.

This has been sitting in my cue forever. I really should have watched it by now

Love this movie. First time I saw it I had absolutely no clue what the movie would be about, so for the first thirty min I thought I was watching some docu-drama about a start up. Suddenly… Time machine. It was kind of an awesome twist.

I saw this one in the theater and remember really liking it and remember really liking it.

I saw this one in the theater and remember really liking it.

Probably because people forget that it's actually good and haven't seen it in a while. There really is a lot to like about it.

I really like how it's teased during part 2 when Future Biff is watching Clint Eastwood while in the hottub.

Ghostbusters 2 is REALLY not as bad as everyone says. It falls apart a bit towards the end, but the majority of the movie is really fun and funny.

People who don't read comics usually scoff at the concept of Robin or hold some dumb bias against him, so maybe they figured Nightwing would be a safer bet as Batman Sidekick. (The Arkham games basically just turned him into a slightly shorter Nightwing.) But really who knows.

"In the movie’s far sweeter original ending, filmed before O’Malley had finished his comics, Scott and Knives head off into the sunset en route to a date at the arcade. "

Fair enough.