
I'm criticizing the parents, not Todd (or anyone else). I'm sorry about your childhood, definitely not trying to undermine the awfulness of that. And your right, there are far worse things than not letting your child experience any fun things that their peers are experiencing, but I still think it's unhealthy and

I'm not blaming Todd. I'm just saying I think his parents are bat-shit insane for trying to raise a child that way. If it were me, I would confront them about it now that I am an adult. Sorry if that is harsh, but so is keeping your child from enjoying the same types of entertainment almost every single one of his

It's a pretty critically well regarded comic and was nominated for an Eisner a few years back. - but I am sure the CW will completely fuck it up and make it as fucking stupid as you are imagining.

Me too!

oh yeah! love that one

I'm not sure why you are defending this type of upbringing

Sounds like they had a mistrust of ALL material and couldn't trust their son to parse things out for himself, so instead the answer is shelter, over-protect, and live in fear of popular culture and art.

Thanks mom and dad for not letting me watch Star Wars because you didn't trust that I could handle such material!

Most of you had way too strict upbringings, holy christ. Todd - do you ever go back to your parents and say what the fuck?

What are hey complaining about? It a a really cool book and something that is completely unique to print and can't be reproduced digitally. They should be excited about it

The first paragraph of this article couldn't be truer. I remember that moment so specifically, and I think of it every time I watch this movie. One of the most memorable moments in my life as a movie goer.

I love Ru - was excited to read this today.

I'm in the same boat as you. I LOVE Drag Race, it's one of the few TV Shows I care to watch.

Does Joss have anything to do with this show anymore?

Was obsessed with those first two Adam Sandler albums when they came out. Not to mention the Jerky Boys were almost like heroes to my friends and I at the time.

As switch is someone who can play the role of both dominate and submissive.

exactly what i was thinking

12 Monkeys is a great movie. But with the ending revealed and the meaning of the 12 Monkey group known, how can this work at all?

"does not refer to a homosexual person and instead is just a blanket pejorative" This is BS and and utter cop-out. You want to spew hate-speech, call it what it is, don't pretend it isn't anything but hateful bigotry.