
I was thinking the same thing this morning. A gay friend of mine was listening to the new record and talking about how he really likes Eminem. I agree, Eminem is good and I like a lot of his songs. But the homophobia thing makes me pause. I guess its just part of the act? But at this point, why?

I actually thought The Wolverine was pretty good overall. I welcome another one.

ummm… first?

"The JAZZ MAN Testifies!!!"

I am having fun with this whole run.

D'oh! You are right, typo on my part.

watched the new Blu-Ray 25th Anniversary edition of Halloween last night - so good!


Really?? This happens right in between Trinity War and Forever Evil issue 1? Man, a little caption box noting that in the issue would have been helpful.

Forever Evil is the sequel to Trinity War and the two events are directly connected and take place within the span of only a couple weeks at the most (?). Towards the end of Trinity War we see Luthor in Prison. Then, in the first issue of Forever Evil - before the Bad Guys officially take over the world - Luthor is

It also has very inconsistent internal continuity. I wonder how Lex Luthor goes from having a scar on his face and in prison, to looking normal again, free and running a business within the span of barely two issues.

I am a massive fan of these characters and normally I am a bit more forgiving of things like this and enjoy it. But this disc was so blatantly lame, I felt embarrassed for buying and watching it (admittedly I turned it off with about twenty min to go in it's 99min run time.)

Didn't realize she was married to Ned Flanders. Makes me feel bad for him…

Totally agree about the Superman/Wonder Woman book, yeesh.

Yeah, its good and the art work is excellent. Definitely worth a look if you are a fan of the characters.

"I don't know anything about Buffy the Vampire… but I sure love SLAYER!" — Jessie Camp circa 1999.

He prefers Hellraiser 3 to Hellraiser so that should tell you something…

oh right, i remember Mick Foley mentioning it in a book he wrote.

In Kindergarten I would get absolutely TERRIFIED when we had to sing the "There Once was a Woman all Skin and Bones…" song around Halloween. This song was basically in the same vein as Ghost of John, with the "ooh ooh ooh"'s. The song spoke of an old Graveyard with bones laying around. And when the Woman goes to

There was an issue of Scud the Disposable Assassin where Scud travels back to the 80's and gets involved in a Slasher movie style plot. The story is a clear homage to Friday the 13th movies.