
I was turned off by it because it seemed to posit all sci-fi and comics geeks as being socially awkward weirdos. And contrary to the jokes I'm likely to get in response, it's a boring stereotype.

For me, two was ruined with Tony basically replaying his character arc from the first one, an annoying and out of place fight between Tony and War Machine at Tonys house, and then a pretty bland fight against robots finale. I just wasn't interested in anything in that movie beyond a few performances like Sam Rockwells

Sean O'Neal is my super hero, I tip my domino mask to you sir.

Awesome article, looking forward to listening to this.

What, no TMNT? ;-)

I was a bit let down there weren't any guest stars in the finale.  Doakes returning from the grave to bust Dexter would have been amazing.

It's par for the course for the reviewer to attack the show it's criticizing,  it's no secret that the AV Club has nothing but contempt for this show, but to attack the fans for watching it?  The back half of this season was pretty lame, I agree, but I don't need the reviewer basically telling me I'm an idiot for

the ominous ending with the Koala is probably my favorite ending to a Simpson's episode ever, I just love how absurdly sinister it feels.

@avclub-28b1819668d7c62501acb9852cad10a9:disqus   This is a situation between an adult with a gun and a kid without one.  Zimmerman, armed with a gun, approached the kid who was armed with a pack of Skittles candy.  I guess your right, there is no way to tell who used deadly force first.  oh wait, yeah there is, they

In this version you have to switch Television Inputs, somehow it knows!!

"I see that you like to watch Breaking Bad… your'e a cautious person, you DVR your shows a lot."

I think it's fairly black and white, pardon the pun.  An armed adult, going against the advice of law enforcement, followed an unarmed kid and instigated a conflict that lead to him shooting and murdering the unarmed boy. If race wasn't the cause for the armed adult's suspicions, what was?  Stupidity?  

Green Jelly's Three Little Pigs was probably my favorite song in 4th Grade.

phew, i thought it was just me

Shut your mouth
How can you say
I do Cartoon Mashups the wrong way

The first one scared the pants off me.  It was really good too.  Haven't seen Conjuring or this one yet.

wow, I expect a lot more from Brian K. Vaughn.  Would love to hear his experience with this.

I am kinda hoping Saul gets out with a lot of the money by the end of the season.

Looks like someone better call Saul!

Thanks man! Yeah, elm street 2 isn't as "good" as the first one, but it's so weird and I love it.. The protagonist dancing around his room "how do ya lie that dad?!" Is such a funny little scene too.