
I'm sure Keaton couldn't care less one way or the other, but even if he did, anyone expect him to be honest with his disapproval?  What's he supposed to say?  "Affleck is gonna suck!  Why'd they cast him?!  Laaaaame!"

I couldn't agree more.  Plenty to love.

@avclub-ecbdad96460f85751944de9d6c2d50fe:disqus They do that with modern comics as well.  Read any Green Lantern book from the last ten years you will get Hal Jordon's explanation virtually every issue.  and to say Frank Miller's Daredevil is corny is blatent troll-bait. 
Personally I love older comics and have no

No way. I LOVE pre-80s comics! Have you read Steve Engleharts Batman? It could have been written yesterday and you'd never know. Jack Kirby's comics? I was reading OMAC last night and it a book so ahead of its time. How about Frank Millers Daredevil from the 70s? You are gonna tell me that's corny? Come on

Here here, great article! I've been on a big Kirby kick lately. I just love him. Was reading some original OMAC last night before bed.

A couple jockish wall street wanna-be types were standing in line in front of me at the deli last week, and were talking about getting home in time to watch "suits".  first i heard of this show, but I'm guessing its Corporate Entourage?  

" global strategy of claiming all the world’s acorns for ourselves."

I hadn't heard of this one before I read this review, but yaknow, it sounds pretty good!  I think I might want to see it.  

Since the show and comics have very little to do with each other beyond the broadest of strokes, you can fully expect the Governor's storyline to develop differently. 

@avclub-e3f5ab7f02122f95b801e13e2c586d6a:disqus I am not really a fan of the Scooby Doo movie, but how is that an idea that "panders" to fans instead of just a good idea.  and how is pandering to fans of scooby-doo in a scooby-doo movie a bad thing?

I don't watch this show but if Mark Borchardt is involved in any way, I am there.


I kept waiting for the Churnobog scene, but forgot that was in Fantastia and not Insomnia. 

don't you mean RED hot chili peppers?  Under the bridge downtown!!!

Yes but having the villain turn out to be Scrappy-Doo was a pretty great idea. 

Did you get that thing I sent ya?

Haven't been reading Avengers or New Avengers so I felt pretty lost when I read Infinity #1.  I'm gonna stick with it though as I am a Thanos fan from way back in the Infinity Gauntlet days.  Elseware in Marvel, Mark Waid's Daredevil continues to rock it every issue, I loved the Silver Surfer guest appearence! 

The greatest part of Man of Steel was Jonathan Kent's lesson of "stand around and do nothing while people die around you", awesome moral for a Superman movie.

Lol this is some stupid shit. DC entertainment is such a clusterfuck

I've thankfully never heard this song, but can sympathize with Kurt.