
Wow two fake letters this week.

Was this the one with the Korean guy?

I loath Scott Card but am a fan of Enders Game. I think that was the perfect answer.

freakin kids….

Good point. — I also enjoy that one episode of Saved By the Bell where the ghost of Miss Bliss haunts Zack's dreams.  But it turns out it was really a Succubus all along, so I'm not sure that counts…

I got a Community notification for this?!

Yes!  You start out thinking he's just a racist school ghost, but it turns out he was friendly too.  Come to think of it, I seem to recall more ghosts on that show then just him… 

I love friendly school ghosts.  "Boston Public" had the best!

Yeah because there is no middle ground between juvenile, immature, offensive, repugnant horseshit and Masterpiece Theater. 

It's also telling that Red Son wasn't even Millar's idea in the first place.  He was working off an idea that Morrison had. 

This is actually very accurate

Agreed.  The only books of his I like are Red Son, select parts of the UItimates, and Chosen (although I haven't read it in years). 

That book was a bunch of post-9/11 nonsense. Such a frustratingly not fun period of Marvel.

There is no skewering going on here, Millar is purely and gleefully indulging in the worst instincts of fanboys. I don't know about the movie, but the comics are abhorrent.

"Brief Bloom" - Dr. Hurt

@avclub-9a395ceaaad37c03a10af45ea1d07abc:disqus They turned him into a generic powerful alien invader who throws his might around and yells out "Darkseid!" a lot.  He isn't depicted as being an intelligent, calculating despot.   It's a horrible simplification of his character seemingly being written by someone

The Simpsons seasons 1 - 6 are better than all of Breaking Bad. 

She's not a stripper, she is a waitress at a topless bar.  She doesn't have to put all that information on her resume, she just needs to say "Server" or something. 
The position is entry level and the guy hiring her is her father.  It's really not that big of a logical leap / plot hole / whatever the fuck problem

If you think Darkseid has been misused over the years, steer far away from the New52.  You would hate to see what they've done. 

I vaguely recall that too.  Was it in the Lex Luthor Action Comics run shortly before the start of the New52?  I think he ran into Death of the Endless and she sort of explained how the Death, the Black Racer, Nekron, etc all tie together as avatars of Death in the DCU.