
I like Steve's Zelda funeral.  I may have to copy that. 
Also, after my casket is lowered and all is said and done, I want someone to perk up, clap their hands, and exclaim, "Well, that was fun.  Who's for Chinese?!"…

The Thing of it is, if everyone keeps on yelling out puns like this you're all bound to get Thor throats.  I have the number for a good Doctor.  Strange, now that I mention it, I can't even remember his Namor. 

You think cynicism equates to realism.  I don't.  Anyway, my dislike of the movie isn't irrational, just as your liking of it isn't irrational.  It's simply our opinions, based on our seperate life experiences, expetations for the character, and what we enjoy seeing on screen.  To each his own.  Now, if you'll excuse

Me too.  Some really interesting movies, I'm going to check out yesterdays recomendation too. 

I wish they would have just called it something different. 

It's because we are presented with an "Ends Justifies the Means" finale.  It's because we get a Jonathan Kent who teaches his son the lesson "your secret is ultimately more important than human life" and urges him to live a life in fear.  Journalist Perry White wants to bury what he believes is a true story because he

A brutal and ugly film to be sure. Cynicism doesn't mix well with Superman but movie audiences don't seem to care as long as stuff blows up real good.

That sucks.  I don't shop at the Men's Warehouse but I really liked this guy as a spokesman. 

The Fruit Roll-Ups non-sequitars are hilarious.  I watched this series with a group of friends back in '05 and we ended up rewinding and rewatching it several times. 

Such a great season, but I think you really need to watch the entire thing to fully appreciate it and get all the jokes.  (probably at least two viewings to get it all actually). 

We are all here typing about movies and pop culture.  I can easily imagine that extending into porn.

If you count the musical it's last three times. Throw in Ultimate Spider-Man and at least a couple cartoon shows, that's a lot of Spidey Origin in recent memory

I'd like to hope he'd rescue the hundreds if not thousands presumably trapped under all the fallen buildings he helped bring down

It should also be mentioned that the limp Bruce uses a cane for in Batman Beyond is also given an origin in this movie when Joker stabs Batman in the leg (looks like it goes right near his kneecap)

"twisting inside me like bad oysters" 

that whole sequence is just amazing.  Every detail about it is just perfect.  I love the creepy little "mockingbird" song that you can faintly hear when they get to arkham.  Batman losing his shit in anger.  It's just so well done, gives me chills every single time. 

The difference between Superman and a cop is that he's Superman. With Superman, there is ALWAYS another way. Especially with the scene in question, there were any number of things the Man of Steel could have done. Superman would sooner jump in front of these laser beams himself. He's the ideal we all strive for.

I didn't care for the Clayface story (and his Mr. Freeze re-imagining was pretty misguided) but yeah Black Mirror is excellent and Severed has got to be one of the best horror comics in recent memory.  It's REALLY f'ing good. 

"It started well but by the end of the first arc, I wasn't really into it.  And Skinner Sweet is just too unlikable a character to me to put up with him for long."

yeah, Batman and Superman Unchained were decent this week (although I'm really worried about this Red Hood character and his ties to the Joker…)
American Vampire on the other hand was fantastic!!!  What a great issue, probably one of my favorites in the whole series so far - and that's saying a lot.  I just really