
Sort of like Tony Stark calling a little kid a pussy for being sad his dad died.  That seemed a little mean Tony.

Superman should never resort to killing his enemy, he's Superman. Zod shooting Laser Eyes at civilians?  Cover his eyes with your hand or block the beams with your body, fly Zod away from the city, any number of things other than "Fatality!"   Intentially snap a dudes neck? Superman would never do that.

I'm glad we have you Oliver.  Great recommendations 

Do they ever establish how long it is between the end of the Metropolis battle and the start of the epilogue with Clark arriving at the Daily Planet.  Since half of the city, including the Daily Planet, was utterly demolished in Zod's attack and battle with Superman, I think it's fairly safe to assume the epilogue

It's easy to differentiate.  Fantastical elements are fine as long as they adhere to the rules established for them within the story.  Superman being able to fly around isn't a plot hole, its established as being one of his abilities granted him by Earth's sun.  A plot hole is when earthling Perry White starts flying

How about the fact that Superman flat out snaps a guys neck killing him. That moment ruined the whole movie for me. I think fans are going to have a harder time with that bit of character assanation then "gee how does he get a job at the daily planet?" Who the fuck cares, superman just murdered his enemy!

I was thinking the same exact thing

I think he's a Gameshow Hero.  He didn't cheat, he just beat the system using the systems own rules against it.  I love this moment in TV history and it's thrilling to watch this guy beat them at their own game.  

Good, I love this show.  

Hulk, Iron Man, Thor and Cap each had at least one movie.  Black Widow was introduced in Iron Man 2, Hawkeye in Thor.

I agree it made no "real-world" sense, but this show doesn't opperate in our world, it opperates in a fictional world where stuff like (insert wacky hijinx of the week) happens on a continual basis.

"because when was the “documentary” element ever anything more than a filmmaking conceit?—"

The argument ends at Hunger Games.  It's had crossover appeal, its hugely successful, it has a strong female lead and doesn't resort to sex appeal to market.  (It's also very faithful to the source material)

@avclub-d0dfbf82a0232e4c63faf5016c25b7d5:disqus Hunger Games? 

I respectfully disagree.  Female action heroes kick ass.

A Justice League movie?  Warner Brothers can't even get thier shit together enough to make a Wonder Woman movie, now they just wanna skip ahead to the team-up with Seven Heroes?  yeah ok, good luck with that. 

Matilda was absolutely robbed!  What a shame - 

Caught this on Broadway a few years back.  Fun, but nothing special.  However Allison Janney was fantastic as always, gotta love her. 

I protested the hell out of the Iraq War.

Hopefully he lived long enough to see how hopelessly wrong and misguided he was regarding the War.  An Open Apology to my Son should have followed.