
"that goalie was pissed about something!"  — best line ever

Nightmare 1,3,4 are all very good.  2 isn't bad if you embrace that it's different.  The rest of the series have some fun too.  The remake Nightmare was just atrocious on every level.  Worst in the series for sure, a missed opportunity to do something great. 

Fruit Rollups!

Gained the lead!

as cynical remakes go, that Friday the 13th remake is under-rated.  It pays tribute to the originals and has some decent moments itself.  Miles above the Nightmare on Elm Street abomination that hit theaters a few years ago, at least. 

I'm not a viewer, but a touch of the supernatural seems like it would be really cool, although I can imagine it might upset a lot of hardcore fans.

because unfortunately there is an absolutely endless appetite for bullshit social media related web-things

yeah, even though I love the show, I get an icky feeling with that "happy to keep his dinner warm" song.  I saw the revival a few times and eventually made peace with that lol — although, i did find myself in an argument with a female co-worker at the time who insisted the song wasn't offensive at all and that its ok

Yes!  That number was sooo funny!!!

The recent Broadway revival with Dan Radcliffe and John Larroquette was actually really well done and they were both so great in the roles.  Very funny.  That Brotherhood of Men number was particularly good, and the choreography for "Company Way" was a lot of fun.  

He read the book years ago and is just rolling his eyes at you noobs.

I saw this movie for some reason and it wasn't that good. Jesse eisenberg is really irritating to watch

Wednesday Addams in Addams Family Values. (Christina Ricci) - I remember seeing it in he theater as a little kid and totally crushing on her hard. The scenes of her causing trouble at camp… Swoon.

Would viewers really buy that these same three friends would again black out, again come to with no recollection of the night before, and again spend an entire day looking for someone they lost along the way

AD is discomfort comedy? Not as much as it is brilliantly written, hilariously acted and perfectly cast sitcom. I love Curb but I wouldn't say this show and that one have any kind of the same feel or can be compared.

Oh my god, fuck the hype machine, I'm lucky enough to have somehow avoided it if it exists. There is no hype that is going to lessen my enjoyment of arrested devolepment, the original three seasons are pretty fucking hyped up themselves and they are still great. I have next to no expectations and I'm just going to

Shit, I can't imagine what they would say about FOX picking up that "Urinetown" pilot.  

I hope this gets made, it sounds really interesting and I loved King of Kong

I agree, I've always been conscientious about a girls limits and space, and I try never to assume anything or go too far without getting very clear consent.  -  However I remember what romance is usually like at 14 and this girl is totally over-reacting.  Obviously her experience is her own, but I wish Dan would have

I have to admit I don't understand what was so traumatic for her. She was not raped or really violated at all, she was 14 and making out with her boyfriend, they were basically experimenting since that's what all sexually activity more or less is when you are 14. He was on top and he came in his pants (uh oh! A