
goes by himself to a concert he knows nothing about?  weird.  kicking him out for the reason they gave makes no sense though, you can obviously be a pickpocket and still know whose concert you are at.

yeah I remember there was a lot of worried hullabaloo when R+J came out too, but it's gone on to be a classic (at least for my generation)
I'm looking forward to seeing this with an open mind. 

Others have said it but yeah — just don't use Twitter.  Please.  What do you need it for? 

It really doesn't seem that divisive to me, I always thought people liked it

Great and classic episode - I remember seeing it when it first aired and loving it for a few reasons.  One is the reference to continuity (Homer in space).  I'm a fan of continuity, even in cartoon shows like this, and it was fun to see that call back. 
Also the end was totally shocking.  (no pun intended)  — No one

I am very glad this element was removed from the plot. 

Who's there? - I actually really like this version too - and yes Bill Murray as Polonius is unforgetable. 

I was thinking the same exact thing

yeah, all the queens were there.  Even though I don't like Coco, she looked great last night.  Alyssa was there looking fierce too.  It was SUPER crowded.  I only had a General Admission Tickets, therefor I couldn't get into the VIP area where the seats and best view of the stage was.
Next year I am going to plan

Who else was there at XL last night?

Oliver, Congrats on finishing up Batman!  These have been great, and I always look for them every Monday.  Now, I eagerly look forward to anything you write (I'm already a big Drag Race fan too).  I really appreciate your knowledgeable opinions and insights into the comics and these characters.

I'm really glad you revealed yourself, because I always thought it was Oliver to be honast.  Anyway, thanks for doing the Gimmick Account because it really added to the fun of these reviews! 

Most of the time it's true that they give away too much during the trailers.

Holy shit, I hate this guy so much and I don't even know who he is. Here he is complaining about a song that a man wrote for his dead son.

wow, the first paragraph of this review is condescending as hell

yeah its really weird, i just recently reconnected with my old High School crush who I haven't spoken to in over 13 years.  Turns out we have a lot in common now and have been having mindblowing sex for the past month.  Totally came out of nowhere too.  but we work better now than we ever would have in HS. 

"Media literacy has grown exponentially, yet television executives treat us exactly as they did in 1963."
It's because of the delicate and quick-to-hysterics sensiblities of a large swath of viewers / Americans who aren't inclined to comment on internet TV Reviews. 

yeah I was hoping for a little Infinity Gem action, but looking back it was nice that this was basically a stand alone film. 

F'ing Super Hero movies shouldn't be expected to deal with "post-9'11" real world problems.  Real world problems are too big for Super Heroes to defeat in two hours. 

Left a bad taste in my mouth,   Don't get me wrong though, I really enjoyed the movie.