
Movie was a lot more fun then this review gives it credit for. My only real complaint is in regards to the cavalier attitude the heroes take towards killing, in this movie. Tony doesn't have a single drink in the movie, but Disney was apparently cool with him straight up killing a whole lot of people.

Instead of looking outward to cheat they should look inward to fix the relationship they committed to when they got married. There's not enough information in that letter to just flat out in courage the further destruction of a marriage. Cheating and betraying your spouses trust isn't the only answer to a sexless

I can't believe I actually wasted time reading this book.  I'm a fan of Pride and Prejudice and I'm a fan of zombies, and in theory the concept of this could be cool.  But this was so lazily written and put together and is obviously ment to be nothing more than a joke-title with a cool cover, not actually ment to be

fine, but how long until "Parks and Recreation and Zombies" comes out.

The only kind Mountain Dew soft drink worth acknowledging is Pitch Black. 

I love Dan Savage to death, but the whole -   yeah, instead of trying to work out the marital issues, just get them to cheat on their respective spouses -  is the shittiest advice and he should probably stop telling people to do that. 

Mountain Dew Pitch Black or GTFO

she was there to randomly mention facebook or something

Love this movie.  M. Night's best. 

"beginning life inside the testicles of the producer/star"


Is George Clooney going to guest star? 

I hate Roxxxy.

If you haven't read DD in a while, this is the series to get back on board with. It's outstanding,

I would recommend reading Frank Millers original run from the early 80's. it's collected in trade and very much holds up.

Wow I had no idea people were so confused. The new TMNT series has been a monthly with mini-series and one-shots being published alongside it. It's great too, and well worth reading in order if you are able.

Very glad I don't work with people like that. 

seems appropiate. 

Daredevil was good this month, as usual.  This week I also particulary liked the TMNT: Krang one-shot, which is continuing the tradition of outstanding Turtles books that have been coming out. 

Richard turns into a straight up Dick in this season though.