
yeah I rented II on Netflix and it was awful!!!

A few things: 1. I agree that Perry is a hack. 2. Why aren't there more black voices in film criticism? I noticed last year that there were no black av club contributors, is this accurate and or still true? 3. While I agree with the crux of this essay, i wonder why white critics don't have the same apprehension when

I love both Solaris and the remake.  Hard to imagine any critics giving either an F.

It'd be cool if they just cancelled it.

a friend of mine is barely 29 and is completely bald due to hairloss

Roxxxy can complain about editing all she wants, nothing changes the fact that she's an uber bitch. Jinkx is going to walk away the winner here

No one did being on the recieving end of a force choke quite like this guy.  And he had nothing to reference for what that was supposed to be like. 
Also, he kinda reminds me of Nathan Rabin for some reason. 

Jamie Foxx just blue himself

Green tights and Yellow Electo Star-Mask or GTFO

I hope he fits a little "Burger Time" into his schedule. 

and of course it's the story the New York Post leads with on their front page.  Not as classy, NYPost. 

For me it's random Internet memes and videos. I have still never seen the Gangnem Style and I feel that I'm all the better for it. I don't know what tumbler is and I don't care. So for me it would just be Internet stuff that seems like bullshit.

ugh what year is this.  its just a frakin movie people

Fox sucks.  Sell the hats yourself or let other people do it. 

I really don't know anyone who isn't familier with Arrested Development by now… but then again I'm a New Yorker who lives in a bubble of like-minded individuals. 

I just love a good Youth-Quake

whoa this guy is nuts

Yeah this was a good one

Not fair the judges coming after Alaska to "do something different" when week in and week out all the other queens are doing basically the same thing as well. No one is telling Alyssa to do something different than the same boring pageant fish she bring every time. Each queen has their own style and I they shouldn't

these queens better watch out for Alaska.  Girl has been consistently great every episode, funny, and keeping clear of all the drama.  She is going to be a finalist for sure, watch out ladies!