
I got pretty excited when I saw this getting covered. I can remember the first time I saw this show and instantly realizing how brilliant it was

I got pretty excited when I saw this getting covered. I can remember the first time I saw this show and instantly realizing how brilliant it was

I just realized I had that bible comic when I was a kid-

I just realized I had that bible comic when I was a kid-

Inside scoop- hader can't help but crack up at the thought of midgets and the writers use the sketch to try and make him break. Its fun.

Inside scoop- hader can't help but crack up at the thought of midgets and the writers use the sketch to try and make him break. Its fun.

Peter Sellers is greater than Ashton Kutcher,  not a very crazy thought.

I think it's really ment to be a scarier-than-normal family film (its PG isn't it?).  But then it, just sort of, gets down right scary (the face coming off in the mirror is still to gross for me to watch). 
The family all makes it out alive.

Just started reading Frank Miller's Daredevil run from the early 80's, It's really good.


Started reading the Frank Miller Daredevil run, really good. Easy to see how it was blowing people away in 1980.

Bane is actually a really under-rated character. His origin comic is excellent. He is definitely more of a well rounded character than people give him credit for. He was a character created for one explicit purpose, and writers have struggled with what to do with him ever since.
I remember hearing dini and timm

wait, we have holograms that look this good?!  YES!!!!

Enjoy justice league international, it's a great run. It's made all the more creepy when you know the eventual fates of Ted Kord and Max Lord

Saturday I was super hungover and watched 4 Friday the 13th movies. Sunday I went to see Cabin in the Woods.

This movie was f'ing brill. It was even better that I coincidently watched about 5 Friday the 13th movies the day before I saw it.
It was so funny and so much fun.

They live in a vaguely defined reality where MAGIC EXISTS! Yeesh…

I agree with you there, would have been better if I at least thought he had a chance

Why shouldn't we cheer on the end of the world in a nihilistic way? It's a fantasy film taking place in a world we know very little about, I don't feel bad at all and neither should you. Cthulhu rises and reclaims the world.

I think the lesson is that Everyone should stop using twitter. It's useless and the world would be better off without it.