
Sounds good to me

I've been reading Spaceman. Its a somewhat challenging read, which may be why a lot of folks dropped it.

This looks like my favorite movie now.

Wasn't there a horse killed or injured on Never Say Never Again?

Sounding a little judgy Rabin, sounding a little judgy.

Secret and untitled, sounds like a good a name as any.

She seems like she is sick of talking X-Files after 20 years

Hard to tell if your joking… I will assume you are.

Seriously, i can't tell which I want to see less, this or snow and the huntsman.

I couldn't even watch the trailer for this ( that played during The Raid, wtf?!), it was too depressing and sad.

It wasn't completely faithful though, so much was cut out. The kids in the beginning who are trying to escape to the fabled district 13. District 13 at all! Would have been nice of them to setup something that will be important later. How about the movie completely rushing the ending, we go from fox face to

The origin revamp was terrible, its like a lot of the writers are finding it easier to piss of the core audience or be shocking (stupid faceless joker) than write decent stories.

It's not minor changes like someone's outfit. It's DRASTIC changes in character. If you don't understand why a fan of the source material would be upset when their favorite characters are drasticly different and contradictory to what they know, then I can't help you. I understand the need for change, but the walking

I loved this movie since day one at the theater, and I somehow predicted the ending too.

I love the original in a "best worst movie" kind of way, but seriously, who is asking for a new garbage pail kids movie?

They changed Shane's death from the book, and that is pretty unforgivable.

Not on the same page with this reviewer, I thought this was a pretty bad show overall, with the radio station sketch being one of the funnier points. Come on, the psychic awards where the psychics know the outcomes? You thought that was good?

Yes, and we have good relations with Canada.

How is this not a weekend at Bernie's prequel? Black even looks like Bernie on the poster.

I actually feel bad keith was even forced to see this.