Is this your first day on the internet? There is a bro here for everything one can have an opinion on, including all the other candidates. There is nothing special or different about the ones that support Bernie.
Is this your first day on the internet? There is a bro here for everything one can have an opinion on, including all the other candidates. There is nothing special or different about the ones that support Bernie.
This argument is getting so old. No one - not your Berniest of BernieBros -believes that he’s going to wave a magic wand and bypass congress to give us medicare for all. What they do seem to believe is that he will actually have that fight and air that argument, hopefully with a groundswell of popular support to put…
Unless I’m very much mistaken, the Republicans (surprisingly) do not have this superdelegate system.
That is a really dispiriting prediction, but a top notch username.
I’d only seen the top one of the two links you provided. And I maintain that the first is absolutely driven by her weird move to play air-lute instead of guitar. People would have laughed endlessly at anybody doing that. Again, I thought it was kind of amusingly adorable, if mind-boggling in its weirdness. Just as I…
I think the line that’s being walked here has more to do with whether the candidate is trying to be adorable by eating ice cream or whatever, or whether the hosts of a show are forcing it on them.
That is actually an outstanding ridiculous question.
It doesn’t discount your thesis here, but how do you leave Tommy (Chris Thomas King) off the cast for O Brother Where Art Thou? The Soggy Bottom Boys would have been nothing without him!
Yeah. Then once you’ve come up with those pages, they just draw themselves right?
That’s all I’m saying. But in that moment, it ended up helping her more than hurting her. Would it have resurfaced in the general if she’d won the nomination? No way to know. But at least in the primary, it didn’t go the way of the Dean scream - which is a net positive for a candidate.
She was slammed from the right about it for sure - she gets slammed for everything from the right - but that moment moved more dems into her corner in New Hampshire. It turned the state around for her - that human moment. She did win, right after, and likely because of that.
I think, from a perspective of passing legislation, not much will likely be done (unless the math can change in congress). So it becomes about what the president can accomplish apart from that - and I myself favor Sanders since he’s not a foreign policy hawk and will certainly try to use the executive branch to…
But they don’t have to choose once set of policies from the two. They can and will reject any policies from either.
Dammit. I should have caught that. :(
Certainly if she made a habit of it, but she DID cry in 2008 and that was considered a humanizing moment that counteracted her perceived roboticism.
Subpeona is his pet name for his dick.
“Store-testing for fresher coffee” is even more perplexing than the casual misogyny.
With you for the most part, but the robotic thing doesn’t strike me as gendered - Cruz gets it a lot, too (not that there’s not an altogether different sort of dread in being given the same descriptor as Cruz). And I hear you on the concern that she’d be demonized for getting emotional, but on the other hand, getting…
He and his doctor are explicitly mentioned in the last paragraph of the article.
I’m still very interested in the story of how Trump’s doctor managed to examine all the other presidents.