To be fair, there aren’t any moderate republicans left in office to compare more centrist candidates to.
To be fair, there aren’t any moderate republicans left in office to compare more centrist candidates to.
Go out there and win one for the Groper!
This seems like a reasonable way to live your life.
Even then it seems like HBO would be able to bring action against the leaker - not the dude who heard stuff second-hand and repeated it.
This deserves lots of stars.
“...Citizens have a right to quite [sic] solicitude [sic] and to be secure from embarrassment and unwanted intrusion into their privacy while utilizing multiple occupancy bathroom or changing facilities by members of the opposite biological sex.”
True. The only way the bucket of piss works as a stepping stone, is if the VP nom is young enough to pick up the mantle at the end of his or her president’s term. Neither EW or BS fit that bill.
Why in the world would Clinton’s VP pick be the fault of Bernie Bros? She’s not going to choose Bernie. She’s just not. And the Bernie Bros aren’t Bernie Bros because they think old white dudes are magically delicious.
Also true.
Are we worried that Bernie is in the pocket of the IRS?
Christ - just noticed my punctuation and homonym errors and I’m past the point of editability. Kinjaaaaaa!!!!!
I don’t disagree with your opinion of her usual triangulation, but I don’t think it would be an issue in this case. The best way to get Obama’s nominee approved now, is to make the GOP terrified of the alternative.
For me, the fact that he explicitly states he will support Obama’s pick is what gives me that impression. With the GOP already talking up the possibility of lame duck approval, it seems to me Bernie is very aware of the politics of the moment. No one believes he would pick a centrist himself, given the option, it’d…
Are you kidding? Hillary should say the same thing - it basically further holds the GOP’s feet to the fire by taking away the chance for them to approve Garland in a lame duck session if they don’t like who won the presidential election.
Yeah. I feared as much.
So, if the hearings are tradition rather than a requirement, and the GOP is eschewing tradition by refusing to hold hearings... can’t we just skip the hearings and go directly to the cloture vote?
And, really, national security? I mean “security” is such a nebulous abstract thing. It means different things to different people. Doesn’t really seem like something we should be spending money on.
It does. And I explicitly stated down-thread that the disparity in staffers is problematic. My only point was that this data seems to reflect that, at least, he’s likely providing equal pay for equal work. Otherwise the salary numbers would be unlikely to slightly favor women given that the top ten salaries exclude…
In agreement with you on that. But the fact that none of the ten highest paid jobs are women and the average still comes out to favor women, suggests that the pay is likely to be equitable once you get into side-by-side positions.
Look at the numbers again. While Sanders can certainly be taken to task for the top ten staffers excluding women, your equal pay criticism doesn’t make sense given that women are, on average, paid more by his campaign than men are.