
During testimony, the people who worked on the bones said they were given the bones in a box instead of being allowed to start with a grid where they were found (which would tell them whether the remains had been moved). Since they could not (and since bones were also found in other locations) whether that was where

I mean, that’s literally the defense lawyer’s job. They can get into trouble if they are found not to have worked for their client’s best interest. That’s why that smirking mini-douche was ultimately removed from Dassey’s defense.

It was pretty bro-centric, but it was also written by a guy.

“I’m just telling you what my childhood was like. Not my childhood, but someone else’s.”

It would be great if, in subsequent articles, they could stop pretending that anything the interrogators fed to Dassey counts as evidence of fuckall, much less a detailed account.

I get that. But no one, no matter how dickish or unpleasant, should be put away for something they didn’t do. I happen to feel bad about that.

Not entirely. No one in the sheriff’s department or prosecution in this farce were screwed over.

Not only did he plead no contest and serve time for that crime, he also served 18 years for another crime he didn’t commit and now 10 years for another that he (likely) should not have been convicted for. So, I guess I’m asking, how many years does he have to serve in total for the cat before you start to feel bad

True. But even a small amount of blood spatter (and brain matter if it went completely through the skull) would have required Avery to clean around the bullet but leave the bullet where it was - in order to have no blood spatter whatsoever.

No, I hear you... I was just engaging in a bit of hyperbole based on how it was phrased. I don’t think you actually believe that. Cheers.

No. It’s in the transcript. Someone has that very section quoted somewhere in this same thread. They absolutely feed him that info.

It was Colburn that actually called that in, not Lenk. Lenk is still a dick though.

Brandon did mention a discussion about a phone call with Jodi, but not a negative one. Jodi talks about both conversations and, since she was calling from prison, both calls would have been recorded. Had there been an angry call that could have shed light on motive, the prosecution had access to it.

They specifically ask the kid if he went under the hood. Brandon doesn’t introduce that idea.

Yeah. Cleans up every tiny speck of victim’s blood from garage, leaves bullet with DNA lying there.

The extent to which evidence appears to have been planted and reasonable appeals to the court system rejected... yes. I’d say even with harder evidence suggesting he did it, he still shouldn’t have been found guilty beyond a reasonable doubt due to the degree of fuckery involved in the investigation and prosecution.

I agree that demanding a pardon is silly, but both should absolutely be granted new trials.

Massey’s transcript is more damning if you read it rather than watch it - given how clearly the kid is guessing. I believe the full video is on youtube somewhere, unless it’s been taken down.

Your third point is a stretch at best.

Yes. Because the clear takeaway is that if you don’t support one specific woman, you don’t think women are people.