
I’m a huge fan of Batwoman, specifically the comic run that gave her her modern identity (she’s basically what got me into comics at first) and frankly, considering how different the show is to the original comic book, I don’t think a change in ethnicity would be any more of a betrayal of the character than the

Upgrade and The Invisible Man were both great and had distinct styles and feelings.

Leigh Whannell shouldn’t be stained with Blum’s stupidity. I want more diversity in the director’s chair, but he is particularly innovative with the horror genre — Upgrade was basically his take on Frankenstein’s monster — so I’m excited to see his version of a werewolf. Can’t be mad at Gosling either. But it’s

For those curious: Leigh Whannell also wrote and directed the sci-fi thriller Upgrade, a film I very much recommend which was also the movie he made just before The Invisible Man.

I really liked this game but I also really hated bad baseball man, so I am emotionally all over the place

So you’re saying you’d prefer a game like The Last of Us 2 not have queer characters?  Because those are the only two options when we’re talking about a game that involves everyone being miserable and suffering.

He doesn’t “murder en masse.” He’s defending himself from people trying to murder him. If they accepted him he’d have no reason to kill them. He's not seeking revenge.

I’m from a small rural town in the the american south. I’m not opposed to being exposed to new ideas or realities in the media I consume but my background has limited my exposure to a great many things. The brief exchange detailed in the article in which Lev declines further conversation with Abby opened my eyes to

Hi, since I’m seeing lots of talk about whether the headline/image are a spoiler, here’s my thinking on that: it’s only a spoiler if you look at Lev being trans as something that’s meant to be a surprise or some kind of dramatic reveal. Years upon years of trans storylines have taught us this (think: The Crying Game,

Your point is literally covered in the article:

I’m Jewish and I’m just thankful my only representation is BJ Blazkowitz killing Nazis.

Gameplay is king, a game with a shit story but great gameplay is still a good game, whereas the vice versa isn’t true.

Just shaved his head.

if she did this she would have been accused of whitewashing.

Annnnnd now you’re whitewashing.  

Trying having the same skin tone as a Roma in Europe, or having a darker skin complexion in places like Cambodia. It isn’t just an American thing.

Yep, because Europeans have never ever done anything bad to people of color ever

Oh a tumblr post. My whole world view is changed now.

Already knew this was going to be here:

She’s treating it as a costume, to look like a fictional character she likes as accurate as possible, not to mock people of a race or do a goddamn minstrel show, this is all so incredibly dumb...