
It’s funny how often the “every game should be for everyone” apostles fail to see the flaw in their reasoning when they instantly make an amalgamation between a community and its toxic vocal minority.

Oh boy. Cancel culture, at it again! Still reeling over what these SJWs did to my man Bluebeard...

Bootlickers in the comments be like

Except he said he was “Team TERF,” you know trans exclusionary radical feminist. TERFs do disparage trans women from existing at all. So please elaborate on his intent...

Seriously. Fuck off. This is just a theoretical game to you - like a thought experiment in Philosophy 101. The connection between hate speech and hate action is obvious and you can study it all you want to for free on the internet. No one here owes you time and attention to explain it to you like a child. “I have seen

I really do believe that once this dust settles and he sees the people who have lined up behind him, it will make him very unhappy. Remember he bad a real break down when he realized that white bros were using him as a para social "black friend" who gave them permission to tell "that kind" of joke.

“Hell the majority of male friendships are based around roasting one another.”

Dave Chappelle is not our friend. Dave Chappelle is a stranger. Dave Chappelle doesn’t know a single goddamn thing about you, about me, about anyone else listening to his heavily produced and edited stand-up recordings.

Words have power. Ridiculing others on as big a stage as Dave has has impact. Using your logic, there is no issue to white comedians using the N-word to make jokes about black people

Shut the fuck up, you piece of shit, seriously.

Then why are tax rates half of what they were 60 years ago?

all it does is show that the individual is so vastly out of step with society around them. 

Ugh - the concept of ‘other people’s money’ is so bloody tiresome.

First they came for the billionaires, and I said “hell yeah” because I wasn’t a billionaire.

Sucks to be a poor mans Supreme. Sucks to worse to have a name that is both terrible and racist tangent. I get that most large urban cities have a China town, another thing to try and turn a dime on that idea.

Repulsive, twisted individuals failing upwards — it’s the American way.

Look at you spamming your bullshit. You really sound like a plant. 

Brian is a rare talent, and the perfect fit for Activision Blizzard; his unparalleled combination of business, military, and government experience makes him ideally suited to accelerate our organizational transformation and deliver on great opportunities for future growth.

monsters. all of them.

Fuck Pompeo and anyone who associates with that fat sack of dogshit.