
It’s supposed to be used ironically but here it feels like the author is using it unironically, so it’s either post-irony or someone using slang they don’t fully understand.

100% disagree. I don’t know why you got the impression Dragon Lord would break out of the game. His narrative arc is a power struggle against someone with absolute power, and realizing no matter what he’s just a puppet. He desperately wants to get back at Tina for turning him into a villain and can’t even do that.

Literally eat shit

It must be nice to not have any values

Ultimatum was the event comic for the first Ultimate relaunch, Miles wasn’t introduced until two years later when Death of Spider-Man/Ultimate Fallout was used for the second Ultimate relaunch. (they later tried one more relaunch before giving up and bringing Miles to 616)

The key difference between L&O and Perry Mason/Matlock is that Dick Wolf thought those shows, which were about evidence and truth, were unfair in their portrayals of prosecution attorneys and that TV required a series that “properly” portrayed them and the police. Overall the 80s/90s saw a pretty radical shift in who

I work in the non-profit sector you tool. Some of us just don’t worship our corporate overlords. I don’t understand why people get so hard for defending people that would charge you to breathe if they could get away with it.

Just admit you’re a cuck and move on. You think all the regular employees at Crystal Dynamics are going to get royalties on all these microtransactions? (if they're even still employed and weren't just on a contract for this game) It goes right in the pockets of Square Enix and the higher ups at CD. Those guys make

I’m confused, doesn’t Sony only own the movie rights to these characters while Marvel retains the TV rights? Did they work something out with Marvel over Marvel getting to use Spider-Man in the MCU?

I’d rather be a baby that pays $15 on sale for a hundred hours of story content than a corporate cuck that plays skinner boxes disguised as games.

Fortnite is where these garbage battle passes come from you pleb. Besides, I’m busy playing Witcher 3 which has exactly 0 crossover promotions with cellphone carriers.

All you bootlickers need to shut the fuck up. What happened to all of the gaming community absolutely revolting over $4 horse armor in Oblivion? Motherfuckers have the memory of goldfish.

I don't know how it runs on the switch but I'm playing with a controller on my PC and the movement controls are very smooth.

This isn’t true at all. If you’ve watched any of the Marvel films you’ve watched military propaganda. The most “woke” Marvel films are the most guilty if this, with Captain Marvel being made in junction with the airforce and Black Panther featuring a CIA agent as a good guy in a film about an isolationist African

The HD update of 3 is on PSN for like $3 right now, that’s the whole framework for every Far Cry game since. (In a very same-y, no real need to play more than one of them way)

Batwoman has only been around for 14 years and she’s been an out lesbian the whole time so the kinds of fanboys that would be angry about this already dislike the character.

Leigh Whannell is a great writer/director and the much needed diversity should be focused on replacing bland or bad white cishet male directors that keep getting assigned projects because of networking or status instead of talent. Leigh Whannell also did an incredible job of centering women’s experiences in The

Heavy armor mage wielding chakram is super fun

I’m not sure how different my perspective is as a trans woman, but Lev and his story was maybe my favorite part of the game. I really do think it’s worth pointing out that only the cult members misgender Lev, even when he faces violence in the final act the slavers refer to him as “the boy”. All of the Wolves that

Just shaved. Even if there were methods of medical transition Im not sure if Lev would use them, his faith is against using “old world” technology. (Which they do kind of ignore when Yara needs a life saving surgery)