
How is this only the second worst article you've written this week?

Is that why you pissbabies are upset about this? They get more viewers than whatever shit tier multiplayer shooter is trending this week?

Body painting is great and people who think its a trojan horse for sexual content are morons. If you want to see boobs online there are much more efficient and sexy ways than watching someone paint for hours.

Why do tools make shit like vaping such a big part of their personality that they’ll go to bat for a shitty company?

I hope you go through something terrible and strangers online repeat lies about it 20 years later

I absolutely adore weird fiction and cosmic horror, but I can’t stand Lovecraft. He’s possibly the worst popular author to write in the genre and he would be forgotten today if nerds didn’t have giant boners for extended lore and mythos.

Lovecraftian describes a certain style of cosmic horror and weird fiction popularized but not created or pioneered by Lovecraft. Many authors writing similar stories before, during, and after his career were much better. But, Lovecraft had lore, and nerds fucking love lore.

Wonder Twins and Little Bird both deserve some spots on any best of list for this year.

Moore has been treated better than a majority of Big 2 comic authors throughout history. His victim complex is massive. Sorry Watchmen was successful and you continue to earn royalties from it, guess you would have preferred it to flop and you’d have the rights to Charleton knockoffs no one cared about.

Comics are as awful now as they have always been, you just remember the good stuff. This is like when old men whine that new music is terrible, why can’t it be like the Stones. They just dont remember the dumb pop from their youth. Everything has always been terrible with a handful of exceptions, and we remember the

It’s much better overall. I’ve had at least one extended gun fight where I was using a Jakob’s shotgun and it almost felt like the Doom reboot. Some of the more sci-fi-y guns still don’t feel the best though.

The nazi concentration camps did not in fact start out as death camps, that was a years long process of things ramping up. The only difference is that we're not exterminating these people *yet*.

Just an FYI that "far left liberal" is an oxymoron unless your entire perception of politics is firmly planted in the center-right to far right realm that is American politics.

Preface: This is not a bad thing.

We don’t know yet. The last rotation happened when they moved from closed beta to open beta and reset everyone’s accounts. (Which they will not be doing again) Wizards *says* they’ll have a solution but they haven’t committed to anything yet.

Choke on rancid smegma you craven moral vacuum

China is about as communist as North Korea is Democratic. Calling yourself something doesn't make it so.

How many homophobes can you cram into one track?

Are the timed chests the only form of monetization?

This article is the whitest hot take possible