
All I want from this game is more borderlands. Fuck innovation. Not every franchise needs a new gimmick. Give me updated graphics, tighten up the gunplay a bit, improve UI and character movement, and give me new story. They did that. Now they're getting my money.

Am I the only person who find the complaint about a lack of innovation to be completely irrelevant? I mean, how many people who are planning to buy Borderlands 3 want it to be anything other than more Borderlands? I know some people are saying “I was burnt out of Borderlands after the first one, part 2 didn’t tickle

Friends, I don’t know how to make clearer in an article marked impressions that this is my early experience with the game and that it’s been a complicated experience. I’m eager to play more and see what might change, but at the moment this has not been a particularly enjoyable play experience for me even acknowledging


Man this is some good stuff.

Made by Spiders you say? Good for them! They’ve always made great webs, nice to see them branching out into new industries.

No, it’s not just you. They’re making it deliberately obfuscated to make players frustrated and push them towards paying money, even if they don’t necessarily have to.

Is it just me or have microtransaction gotten way more complicated over the years?

The problem—even removed of the canard that the “-a” variant is somehow less offensive coming out of the mouth of a white person than the “hard -r” variant—is that the language is coded specifically for racism and systemic, ongoing inequality (to say nothing of its historical weight and the

It’s almost like the qualities that make someone a popular streamer are the same qualities that make them shitty racist fucks.

Pam went to Pratt art school. Highly unlikely that she’d be a conservative.

If it quacks like a duck... etc.

I lost faith in humanity understanding good tv when I realized Scorpion has been on for 4 fucking seasons.

I mean, yeah. Jack Ryan is the American ideal in one tightly knit package: he knows everything, is physically at the peak, is a rugged individual who is always against impossible odds, who can look experts in the eye and say ‘I know better than you’, and ultimately discards all negotiation in favor of brusque violence.

It’s basically The Breakfast Club if Judd Nelson’s character had a gun, killed the principal, Stockholm-Syndromed the other three characters into raping Emilio Estevez, and then ended the exact same way The Breakfast Club does, right down to the celebratory tone. Not all challenging stories constitute a worthwhile

Honestly, if there’s one property that can definitely work now, it’s not Roadwork, it’s The Running Man...if you give a person of color the helm. We already have Live P.D. as the most popular TV show in the country. It’s not much of a stretch that The Running Man could become a thing in that world. And, if the

To be fair, Morgan Freeman saying “Shit Weasel” with a straight face is worth the price of admission. 

You think The Dark Half is his worst work? Then you obviously haven’t read the Mr. Mercedes trilogy.

And yet Slither featured nearly identical shit weasels and was a delight. 

I dunno, after all the Hunger Games and Divergent takes on the genre, I think The Long Walk almost feels like a satire of those.