
Bernie supporters and staff consistently doing their best to cancel out the hard work and good will Bernie is working on. 

If there is a correlation between chart position and song quality, it is not a positive one.

20 years ago selling 4 million copies would have been insane, Mortal Kombat, one of the most popular games ever sold only 2.67 million copies on console. It’s always going to be the case that some games are more successful than others. But keep in mind “didn’t meet expectations” is corporate bullshit speech, it

Games also sell more than ever before. The market is massive now, to the point that nobody bats an eye at video games being advertised during the Super Bowl, the most expensive advertising day of the year. You’re ignoring why games cost more to make, and it’s not because their complexity has increased. Marketing

Ignoring the astounding growth of the industry I would gladly believe what you are saying. Sadly I’m not blind or dumb so sorry, take your weak argument elsewhere because it is not sustainable here.

That leaves:

in-game advertising.

You’re not the reason they exist. They exist to be purchased. You not being bothered by them doesn’t mean other people shouldn’t be.

With the caveat that harassing developers is NEVER okay and anyone involved with it should be utterly ashamed, and that much of the furor over this game specifically was done by misogynist gamergate assholes...

...I am getting completely sick of seeing microtransaction puff-pieces. Especially from an outlet that put

Ninja Theory, CD Project Red and other developers would like to disagree. They dont seem to be having trouble making money by delivering games without micro-transactions.

Or games lower their dev cost. Scale back on some features.  Don't make those bleeding edge graphics.  

I fully support the message about harassment ... the microtransaction apologism, not so much. After 10 years of increasingly predatory monetization the “you don’t understand the videogame industry”and “it’s just cosmetics” excuses are hollow.

she was cosplaying “royal assassin”

Chapo were a little closer with DSA not too long ago and they work with candidates, donate to/highlight causes, but they’re pretty adamant that people not view listening to their podcast as “doing politics” so they aren’t necessarily out at the meetings themselves, which is probably healthy.

Or maybe that was part of an art project from a Jewish friend and the author is just dishonest? 

Plus Adam and Dasha just split up this article is like utterly wrong about everything lol 

Cum Town is absolutely not a leftist podcast nor does it pretend to be, and implying that one of the hosts of Red Scare should have to answer for her fiancé is the sort of thing you’d scold someone for. I guess it’s not surprising you made this mistake since you admitted that you’ve never listened to it..

“If YoU iDeNtIfY wItH eItHeR tHe LeFt Or RiGhT, yOu DoN’t ReAlLy CaRe AbOuT lIBeRaLiSM.”

LOL. Your opinion is trash, and you should be ashamed. I’m dumber for having read this BS. No points, thoughts and prayers for your non existent soul.

It’s pretty clear at this point in time that anyone trying to sell the idea that really cool girls don’t care about politics is a scam artist.