Truck Fump

Yea, went to the protest Thursday eve. About 50 of us marched through the whitest farmers market in the county, chanting “Families Belong Together.” Bunch of white folks showed up to protest, so none of the mad lemon sucking white folks in the crowd could sac up to say anything. Got a little bit of media attention,

Wow, what a tough sentence for Paul Manafort

Mississippi California Goddamn

muppets position

Considering they are using Milo being protested as one if the catalysts and he was dropped from Breitbart over comments supporting pedophilia it’s not that much of a leap


Somehow that message reminds me of “Arbeit macht frei” German for “work sets you free”. They put the words above the entrance to Auschwitz.

The soulless motherfuckers that run AND own Southwest Key would be lucky if the least that happened to them was being burned alive.

Customs and Border Protection agent Jeffrey A. Rambo

Closer than that, methinks

The act of the government denaturalizing citizens is rare and, while traditionally used against Nazis, will instead...

Yeah, but those guys will get sick of Papa Johns pretty quick.

That’s the fact, Jack.

ICE is the Trump Gestapo.

I hope the gathered world leaders compete on who can get the sickest Trump burn quoted in the press.

I could see him sitting on the bed, arms crossed, and pouting with an unzipped and half-filled Dora the Explorer carry-on the floor.

John Kelly is gently asking him to pack using his Sean Hannity plush toy.

and it was his good brownshirt too

So are Trump’s hands as small as they say?

“This in no way represents the whole work that is done every day,”