Truck Fump

That cocaine’s a helluva drug

“Not trying to be racist, but...”

In the thirty or so years of rock/baggie flyers, cops have so far found none nazis.

Ogg has been a complete letdown. She's turned out to be a throwback copside DA just like all the rest.

Grey singular. benny, lana,tong, wile, they’re all the same gun humping racist.

Yes, all cops.

I would like to give his neighbor a crossbow.

I ALWAYS hate it. Bro, there isn’t one single reader who didn’t know exactly what every part of this post meant.

You brought this on yourself, hon.

Texans send our biggest dicks to DC. This tradition goes back to Sam Houston days. D’s and R’s. LBJ, John Tower etc. Don’t have to be competent or even serve Texans. Just have to be dicks.

Everyone in Texas already knows he's bangin' Jenny Cudd. Try to keep up rest of nation.

Icicles and ketchup packs. Thanks, antifa.

Smoke 'em while you got 'em, little fella.

All cops are this cop.

SXSW is known for its unsanctioned events. This year BOTL for virtual beard contest, online best Joe Rogan tattoo pageant, website dedicated to locals grousing about virtual hipster invasion. And Bob Schneider.

Bennett has been a truth teller all along. What he is describing is however pretty basic workplace dynamics that aren’t exclusive to football.

Punk-ass is gonna show up with Raisinated Potato Salad.

We’ll wrap him in the diaper genie and kill him with his own stupid, fucking horn hat. 

The Starbucks of the skies.