Truck Fump

Followed by two minutes of hate.

...the nameless hero quickly stood up and left after the crowd finished singing the anthem.”

Somewhere, Kate Smith just took a knee.

I agree with Rice-Cameron. He’s one of those people for sure. ‘only care about power...themselves, their brand...manipulating people...ect’ Nailed it!

Heh, no worries.

Make Benny Hill Great Again!

I’m fucking sick to death of hedge fund managers.

I strongly suspect she was being pressured by TNT, who is owned by Time Warner, who is courting the Trump admin to approve their merger with AT&T.

Did you just pull an “I know you are, but what am I?”

You already know;-)

Just your gentle, almost-daily reminder: All trump supporters are racist fucking scum. Treat them accordingly.

The thing about being a pedant is, you really have to be on point

Never go to Louisiana, its full of assholes.

Excellent dismount

True karma would be this tow truck showing up:

That “strap a gun to your hip” is peak cowboy America talk.

All the clerk wanted to know was “how the Raptors did in the playoffs?” What he didn’t realize was that he was talking to a performance artist.

True, if by “has no idea of” you mean “doesn’t care about.”

Why, it’s so gracious of you to be concerned for her welfare. She did find a different job, because that one was unnecessarily unpleasant. I’ll pass along your ingenious suggestion though, some fifteen years later. I’m sure she’ll appreciate it. I’ll bet you have many friends and are a source of much delight when you

It’s a typo on autocorrect that you can’t edit after a certain time frame, not a legit spelling error. But I respect your banality.