Truck Fump

It’s worlds largest crew

11. Created a burner account so he could comment on The Root.

lol i can tell you’re a big tough person sorry for my comment about how four dudes [EDIT: three + 1 woman my bad] holding one woman shouldn’t punch her, i can tell i’m not tough enough

Pepe John’s

Chuck E Cheese needs to be way higher on that list.

I thought the alt-right already had an official greasy, orange pile of garbage that makes your stomach cramp just by looking at it

I’ve had three sports highlights in my life: hitting a triple at Thillens Park in Chicago when I was about 10, scoring a coast to coast solo goal in some pickup soccer in my late 20s, and sinking a three pointer over a guy who played DII basketball in my early 30s. Everything else is a massive morass of mediocrity:

Yeah only on planet FUCK THIS WEED IS STRONG is Litter Caesar’s a preferred dinner choice over Pizza Hut.

“Why does the boos need to sink in?”

Hold on a second...

The more I read about this, the more I think it was Nike who blew the thing up after getting outbid one too many times.

I overwhelmingly agree with the overall tenor of this piece, but I find your distinction between racism and white supremacy a bit puzzling.

If police are Problem #1, why not just eliminate the police?

It’s the principle of the thing argle bargle yargle!!#@!. Seriously, I’m in Maine and have the same question about my more rural fellow citizens.

73 or 74 is more like Trump’s score for the Tillerson IQ test showdown.

When I was a kid, I used to wonder, “What does ESPN stand for?”

Umm...I don’t think that’s the way to see if shark cartilage will grow you six more inches.

What happens if someone doesn’t show ‘total respect’?

“Now you know what I faced.” -Winston Churchill, 1941

In the Seattle suburbs in the 90s we called it a Graveyard