Truck Fump

so Steve Kerr is the divorced guy that fixes the bed his ex-wife broke fucking the gardener?

Gee, I was hoping Gizmodo had switched their extreme bias and might offer a decent review of a book written by a conservative pedophile apologist. This is unexpected and disappointing.

I assume the racing stripe is indeed common in Indianapolis.

The other members of the team felt it was because he went to Duke.

No, this is totally an article about the Cardinals. It’s an article about how the Cardinals got nowhere near the World Series and their hated rivals won it all, and didn’t even have to really go through the Cardinals to do it because the Cardinals sucked and didn’t even sniff the playoffs. And now all the Cardinals’

“Amateurs.” - Kermit Washington

You mean people like me, who served in the Army for six years? My metaphorical nuts weren’t hurt. I was and am proud of him.

Good player, terrible human. He was Curt Schilling before Curt Schilling was Curt Schilling.

America is only a hair’s breadth from these sorts of shenanigans.

I will preface this by saying that I am alumni.

Not just Lubbock, but pretty much all of west Texas.

They were probably all just going through the motions with the Cool Pope and doing the real shit late night with the Nazi Pope who Sean definitely got to meet.

Goddamn it, I picked the wrong era to stop being rich. Fuck.

... although he was kind enough to sign the ball for Brustman

Your optimism is truly inspiring.

I’m sure this is still a relevant quote:

Orange Julius Rosenberg!

In my opinion, the dude should do at least 3.1415926535 years in prison.

+1 (in alternative math, so it’s actually -1)

Can’t say I’m intimately familiar with either of those drugs, but wouldn’t it be massively more likely that a diluted urine sample was trying to hide weed, which is detectable in your system for a much longer time than other drugs?