Truck Fump

Looks like he brought his glass dildo from Union Station. A real glass act, that Schilling.

This totally explains why cunnilingus is like touching your tongue to a battery.

Only in Trump world is 35% half.

It doesn’t bode well for the Cubs to be whining this early inthe season. They are supposed to be the next dynasty and are already blaming losses on the umps.

Ryan Pace looking for more DIII players in New England.


There are not enough hours in this century for the DOJ to address all the FOIA requests Trumpf has generated.

Dude got Pop-rolled. Simple as that.

Mason gave us his answer in the tournament: Live by the three. Die by the three.

Got a broomstick with your name on it right here, Mr. Murdoch.

I didn’t like the Trubinski pick either, KD.


Curt Schilling is a racist.

That HGH  is a helluva drug.

I knoe how wecan get $500.

1999-2002 received Masters Degree in Blissful Ignorance.

We Texans care lots about our one and dones’ ability to stuff the ball in the basketball ring.

Fenves seems to be the only person in Austin who doesn’t know UT revenue sports athletes are already getting paid.

Phil called out every one of his prima donna players numerous times. He even got his owners, the most arrogant people on the planet, to buy in. Everyone will be in the fold before the end of next season with Spike and Soon Yi leading the playoff cheers and armchair eulogizers scratching their heads.