
Im curious as to why it MATTERS what the murder rate is, to gun enthusiasts. I drive a Subaru WRX STI, and I sure as shit dont give a fuck if my car has a higher accident rate, or if its used a lot in robberies or whatever. I’m a responsible Subaru owner and I love it and what other people do is none of my concern.

LOL Please use better examples. Is Australia a police state because certain guns were confiscated? 

LOL I”m guessing you’ve never served in the military nor lived in a third-world country under martial law have you? You remind me of Christians in the USA who need to feel like they are being persecuted in order to form an identity. 

For sure - violence spans various demographics. Lets be real though, the majority of terrorists seem to be “right wing” - be their Muslim or white supremacist types, at least in this era (there were of course many left wing terrorists decades ago) 

yes because an AR15 is useful against missiles and nukes. WTF. I guarantee you things would be NO different if the citizenry was armed. 

no im sorry - there’s a reason the USA has one of the highest murder rates among OECD countries, its the high availability of guns. There’s lots of cars everywhere, yet they are rarely used as mass murder weapons (other than by ISIS very recently).

guns are ABSOLUTELY the “problem” and thats FINE. Why can’t gun enthusiasts admit this? I’m a keen motorcyclist, and undoubtedly a lot of thefts happen on motorbikes, yet I don’t think bikes should be any more restricted. Similarly, gun enthusiasts can admit that more guns can lead to more deaths, and still advocate

As someone that served (thank you for your service), do you like liberals, think there is a meaningful distinction between an “assault rifle” and a “regular” gun or do you think its just an arbitrary one by people who don’t know anything about guns? (Im a liberal but am not sure what to think about this issue)

2 rogers don’t make a right. I’ve seen that scene 1000 times

yes! This! Hypercar dealerships don’t let people test drive their cars unless A) they put down a deposit thats a significant fraction of the car’s value or B) the dealership has a long standing relationship with said customer who has spent $x millions there

hodor. Hodor. Hodor!

That’s reasonable, but semis have tons of blind spot mirrors and are generally better drivers than car-drivers. Its cars one has to be worried about, I find

bro if you’re in the top 2% of households, pretttty sure you can afford a CLA45 relatively easily even if MB prices it at $100k (which they won’t so) 

holy crap! Then as someone who is torn b/w purchasing this or an E46 M3 in the next 12 months, I better get this for you! :)

why? The Gladiator is actually useable for a family, and I say that as someone whose two car choices at the moment are E46 M3 or a Jimny

I’m starting to feel like the worst things about the USA aren’t Trump or lack of healthcare or that college is unaffordable except to the richest Americans, but the police state/shitty police. Its aneurysm inducing

Thats so fucked up. I’m not black, but am a POC, and a chronic chronic speeder, but I’ve NEVER been stopped by police for anything less than speeding 20mph over the limit. US cops are so fucked up (and yes I realize I have privilege over black people, but even my black friends’ anecdotal cop stories aren’t 1/10th as

I’m Canadian, and know a little bit but not a lot about the American Civil War. I’m aware of Lee’s role in history, but do you think the whitewashing of Northerners, such as Washington, who also owned slaves, is any different from that of Lee? (And yes I’m again aware that Lee was a traitor to the Union,

I’m guessing you’re not a person of colour

You’re calling people who are more successful than us “morons?” They are definitely posers (most people with expensive cars or bikes are) but they’re NOT morons my friend!