
Marquez is slo in a car judging from his red bull vid

According to Sky sports, Rossi was within 1.5 seconds of Hamilton’s time (Ricardo isn’t a car circuit though as far as I know so no idea how they came up with that) and Hamilton was like 4 seconds behind Rossi, which the media said was equivalent to VR’s gap in the car as LH’s lap was longer.

Rossi is likely faster in a car than Marquez is 

Theres a video of Marquez driving a Red Bull at RBR. He was several seconds slower than Pedrosa LOL 

A few have done it in Dakar, interestingly enough. Notably, Hubert Auriol and Stephane Peterhansel. Cyril Despres was a multiple bike Dakar champion and switched to cars a few years ago. He hasn’t won yet in a car but has come close 

Have you SEEN some of the cars they made in the 20s for Indian Maharajas?? They’ve never been “classy” by ze olde worlde definition, fam

Or you could realize that this website is just fucking free entertainment and not get your fucking panties in a bunch over it snowflake

can you name a scientist with a salient solution to climate change? I can’t and can name all the science winners of this year’s Nobel

ok boomer

ok boomer

ok boomer


She’s also famous for being vegan. But hey lets ignore everything about her in favour of furthering your narrative? ;) 

China have made strides to reduce emissions you absolute pillock - they are more on the forefront of green tech than the United States 

There are no safety or disposal issues with nuclear. Its hippies who made you think that

lol - Turbos aren’t as characterful imho as NA. To wit: my dad has a 2016 Mercedes S550 with the 4L Turbo V8 - it doesn’t sound nearly as good as the 2007 S550 he had with the 5L (or whatever) NA V8; the turbos just kill the noise. Most automotive journos say the same thing about cars like the 488 compared to the 458

 Lets be real most undergrad degrees in anything but business or engineering are useless

Yes instant torque is great the first few times you launch it, but boring after a while imo 

Are you American or British?

In fairness he does know how to ride a bike (Theres a vid of him riding a 916 around Monaco) and says he likes them but hates the danger