
Beyond a certain point, it starts to become unusual. It’s not odd to keep cash at home, but if I said I kept $10 million in paper money in my house, that would seem weird, would it not?

Why would you keep so many cars/bikes in one place? Because you like them and it’s fun to collect them. 

Marquez got a ride, Rossi was actually being considered for a seat at Ferrari. Big difference. 

.7 at Ferrari’s test track is Fiorano about 2 seconds at Silverstone. Rossi said afterwards that yes he felt he could probably get into F1 but to find that time difference and challenge for a title was probably too much of an ask, and he wasn’t interested in being an also ran in F1.

Now playing

“...Would they still be as absurdly dominant?”

Yay thanks for covering motorcycle stuff!!!


Rossi tested for Ferrari about a decade ago and lapped within .7s of Michael Schumacher on the day. One close lap time does not an F1 driver make, but I think you can safely say that he had a good shot at competing at an extremely high level.

This is so damn cool.

Too bad they didn’t get his superfan. I’m guessing this was a Monster Energy collab?

And free of dementia

Thank God they didn’t actually produce that concept, or any of their other concepts, because I’d be about 84 months in debt right now otherwise.

Boomer here, I don’t care what powers it, if it looks like this, I’m in!!

You seem to have confused “ostentatious displays of exorbitant wealth” with “class.”  Having 1000 diamonds crushed into your car’s paint is grotesque.

Even in a vacuum... serious true religion vibes. Couple that with toothpaste leather and it’s just funny

I was going to say Japanese pimp, but ya that’s bad stuff right there

Came here to say tacky like a Don Cherry suit....

So wait. We have three options:

Hey, those obscenely wealthy people are riding around in garish, classless luxury so we don’t have to.

Well done, and beautiful in a vacuum. As an automotive interior, it is jarringly tacky. Overly ornate for its own sake. Baroque.