John Smith

They have taken a million refugees and they never invaded the middle east. They spent the last two decades stabilizing central and eastern Europe with boring things like improved institutions and the infrastructure to support economic growth which stabilizes countries.

So the lesson is to send in 1000 drones, make the enemy use all their missiles, then send in the bombers.

Can we all applaud and celebrate that he used landscape mode?

I think you should re-read. He replaced/rebuilt virtually every system for the long term. He used better parts. Things partially worn or known trouble spots were addressed. It was a system reboot. A better initial purchase would have all those same systems in different states of decline. Addressing those issues as

It comes down to this. You can’t get a car like this today for under $12,000. The driving experience, the looks, the sounds... I think this was just perfect.

As for the cheap cars on the list it could be they either couldn’t afford them or they are crap cars.

I pray to god we can Escape these puns...

I just hope the tow truck had an Escort down those hills, could’ve been a treacherous Expedition.

It turned out to be quite the Excursion for him.

I’m glad he was able to Escape unscathed.

These puns are on the Edge of being good

That dude needed to Focus on his drifting more.

Saw the title of this article.

I prefer this visualization, courtesy of XKCD:

M badges on non-M BMWs.

I pour the sauce straight from the jar. And when I’m done eating, I put the leftover pasta and sauce back in the same jar. The next day, I heat up the jar in the microwave and eat from that. 2 meals, literally no cleanup.

Another trick I use: to get all of the sauce out of the jar, pour in about a half a cup of red wine, replace cap, shake vigorously, added concoction to sauce. Repeat if desired.

Yeah, was wondering that myself.

I don’t recommend bringing sauce to a boil...that shit will get everywhere. A steady simmer works fine.

my wife just pointed this out, and I will never unsee that.