John Smith


I also find it funny that poor people show up to work in a brand new car and ask to borrow 20$ for lunch (true story)

“. I just can’t shake the feeling that the one I get will be a lemon and I’d be more in the hole than if I found the cheapest new car”

Agreed, it’s crazy that some people pay interest on a depreciating asset, that’s a double whammy!

How about a full turkey with stuffing?

In Ottawa, people wait for 5 seconds after the light turns green before engaging the intersection. It made my blood boil, I had to move to a different city.


I was curious...

Why not on hardwood floors? I have Walnut hardwood floors that ding/scratch very easily, and the shop vac has never left a single scratch.

Why not on hardwood floors? I have Walnut hardwood floors that ding/scratch very easily, and the shop vac has never