John Smith

“dipshit mouth breathing HR people”

Don’t say too much.

How about, I want to make money for you, me, and the rest of your fucktarded cult of dipshits around here, so knock off the bullshit and let’s get to work?

I’d bet she’s not interested and is just sparing his feelings. I’ve seen this situation more times than I can count

22 Chrysler Lebarons.

But that cold air intake totally made the VTEC kick in more...yo.

GTA is a series which has always revolved around satirizing the darker and more cynical aspects American life. It’s therefore somewhat fitting for them to structure GTAO in a way so that only the rich and well-connected get to enjoy the full potential of the actual game, while it’s difficult-to-impossible for the

Take off the tires and drive it to the dealership on the rims; burn the tires while chanting Satanic verse and watching reruns of The Simple Life.

I think I’m on to something here...

I’ll be surprised, with the quality of the “banter” written into every episode, if the show makes it five years. Conversation Street is terrible, holy cow is it terrible. The applause cues, the strained setups to each joke...

We risk pissing China off—it could lead to a real war, or a trade war, neither of which are particularly good for us (or them, but either is still worse for us). We also need them to help contain North Korea’s ambitions, which pose a growing threat to US interests.

Good. But they should’ve put him in a car the same way, so he could experience same agony as that poor kid. 

C&C fatalities will shortly sky rocket

Buying a 2-4 year old car for cash is typically exactly what rich people do. Understand there’s a difference between high income and high net worth. A rich person developed a high net worth by being wise with their money, not spending it all financing new cars.

I feel like you posted that for the sole reason of getting attention. Especially the part about how you only distracted drive in the city, where it’s even more attention is required vs. the high way.

The fuck man, don't do that shit. Use Ok Google or Siri for music, and don't read your fucking messages while driving.

And one day you may find yourself crumpled into the back of a stopped semi. Good thing you read that last email.

I must truly be a 90s kid because the Countach has never done anything for me. The Diablo on the otherhand...