
Star Trek fans: “They made all these continuity mistakes that I, a trufan, noticed! These people don’t even really understand Star Trek!”

Because there’s exactly one person in the entire universe who knows anything about the mycelial network (remember, research on this was ended 930 years ago by order of Starfleet and the only ships known to use it either blew up or Cronenberged their entire crew) and he’s not going to say yes to stripping the ship for

She raised Michael until she was ten, then teleported to the future and only saw her in little snippets during the most severe crises of her life after that. It’s very much like coming back to the kid you had to give up to CPS when they’re a grown-up and being asked, “So what are they like?” You don’t really know.

I think Michael seemed flummoxed not because she didn’t understand the logic trial, but because it wasn’t what it was supposed to be; she was clearly picturing it as something like defending a thesis, where she’d be asked questions about the reliability of the data, her qualifications to examine it, the validity of

Oh god, Anthony Rapp’s facial acting when Tilly tells him she’s going to be promoted over him was some of the best in the entire franchise. I want to screenshot every frame of that scene.

Leaves generally aren’t granted when the ship is told that they have to be battle-ready for an emergency mission that could begin any time within the next twelve hours.

When she and Georgiou went over to the Sarcophagus to capture T’Kuvma, she was told that the one thing they could not do was kill him - alive, he could be reasoned with, but dead, he would become a martyr whose cause would enflame the entire Klingon Empire. And then Georgiou got killed, and all of Burnham’s Vulcan


I’ve read a couple of Grady Hendrix novels, though, and I’d say he did a fair job of invigorating some old tropes. ‘My Best Friend’s Exorcism’ was a really fun mashup of the high school drama with the bodily possession horror flick, and ‘Horrorstor’ is one of the best twists on haunted houses I’ve ever read. (It’s

Is it just me, or does his facial expression look EXACTLY like Ralphie’s little brother in the bunny suit in ‘A Christmas Story’? Maybe we’re going to find out that Steppenwolf’s aunt bought it for him and he doesn’t want to make a scene by telling her how it looks.

Oh, I think it’ll be about six months before he’s caught taking bribes from whatever sleazy energy company operates in his district and he winds up in jail.

Are we REALLY still doing “the two parties are all just as bad as each other”? After 250,000 bodies hit the floor? After over 600 children disappeared in Trump’s concentration camps? After Trump funneled millions of dollars from the federal government directly into his own pockets through shady ‘expenses’ at his own

No. In British libel law, the burden of proof is on the defendant, not the plaintiff. For the defendant to win, they had to prove that he was a wife beater, not simply that there was enough doubt to make the claim reasonable. They did.

You did, though, jump into the comments section of a show you have by your own admission stopped watching, and last I checked nobody forced you at gunpoint to piss in everyone’s Cheerios by telling the people who do like it how it spits on the very concept of Star Trek. You are welcome to have whatever opinions you

And they’re always, “Oh, I don’t hate it because it’s got a diverse cast, I hate it because of [extremely insignificant plot detail that they were fine with in the old version but which is now antithetical to the entire spirit of the franchise because a woman or minority did it]”.

Well, don’t get me wrong, I can certainly understand the Q analogy. Like Q, you’ve shown up where you weren’t asked for, and started bothering people who were just going about their own damn business with a long, judgy rant about how their behavior doesn’t conform to your weird, arbitrary standards. And then started

But the thing is, this only works if you ‘no true Scotsman’ away all the examples that disprove your point. The XO who went mad with psychic power and tried to kill Kirk? Flawed individual. The miners who engaged in illegal sex trafficking and blackmailed Kirk into accepting it as a fait accompli? Flawed individuals.

Yeah, but there is that line where John Gill was explaining his motives and he was all, “I did it because the Nazis had the most efficient government in history, and I figured if I could just eliminate the racism part everything would be fine.” And Spock just responds, “He’s right, Captain,” and they move on without

No. I stand with Michael Burnham, who at the beginning of Season One gave in to her fears and started a war, and by the end stood by her principles and ended one peacefully. TNG’s bloodless, passionless world where Roddenberry didn’t allow his characters to be human because he’d backed himself into a corner with all

You want to admit to disliking Discovery? Fill your boots. Hell, I admit to disliking Firefly, and that’s something that can get you killed at some conventions.